Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you don't even want to see it?" Duke asked as I looked up from the engine I was repairing.
"No, I'm good," I answered briefly, concentrating on my work again.
"I don't know what your problem is with children. Alice had her baby 5 months ago, and you didn't even want to hold him," he said to which I simply ignored the statement. "If I didn't know you, I might think you hate children," he added, to which I looked up at him.

"Look at this smile... He's going to bathe in pussy when he grows up," Duke announced as he held his phone in front of my face, blocking my view of the engine.

I looked into the face of the baby boy who was being held by Alice and was laughing into the camera. A laugh that pushed up his little cheeks and his eyes were almost closed.
I loved Alice like a sister and was happy that she and the baby were doing well. But I couldn't bring myself to take him. I saw her walking through the community a few times with him in her arms, and she waved to me without urging me to take him or see him... She knew me better than Duke, obviously.
I sat up and turned to the closet to look for something, although I just wanted to hide my grin from Duke.
If he saw it, I wouldn't be able to stop him from bringing the boy here or force me to hold him.
And I didn't want to... I couldn't.

"You're tiring," I said to him as I put on my serious face again.

"I don't know why Alice doesn't mind... She seems to support you too. I don't understand... Look at those cheeks," I heard him say as he looked at the picture.

"If it can walk and talk, then I can see it," I replied, to which Duke shook his head. "Or... hear me out... I promise to hold your child from birth," I said, to which Duke raised his eyebrow and put his phone away.

"Yeah... so don't forget we have our big night tonight," he said as he bid goodbye.

Miguel's laugh was so loud that it echoed in the workshop.
"You know exactly what to say to scare Duke away," he said as he wiped his hands on a cloth.
"Experience," I replied, to which he nodded.

Miguel had been a prospect for three years; he had been with me in the workshop since day one. He was 25 years old but behaved much more maturely than everyone else who came to us. On the first day he came to my workshop and asked if he could work with me. I like working alone best, but he didn't talk a lot. I was five years older than him, but he still sometimes behaved more maturely than me.
He was a solo traveler and roamed the country for a long time without a club. Fate must have brought him here... or his broken motorcycle when he looked for help at the gate.
Duke immediately saw potential in him, and although I don't like to admit it, Duke was right about Miguel.
The other prospects were annoying to me, talked too much, and wanted to be like Duke who took care of them.
Only Miguel was the quiet guy who worked like an old mechanic.
He was with us when we saved Ace's old lady and also when we saved Storm's girl.
We could only take them with us if we vouched for them. And I read Miguel like an open book and know that he is ready.
I will also say that at our meeting today when we vote on the prospects.
Only active members will be there and vote, and I could literally see the tension in his face.

"Did you pack your shit?" I asked him, and he looked from the cloth to me.

"No," he replied shortly, to which I smiled at him.
"You're safe in yourself," I said.

"No... I just don't have any shit to pack. I came here with nothing, and I'm leaving with nothing if it's decided that way," he answered me. "It is what it is," he added, whereupon the corners of my mouth turned into a smile when he no longer looked at me.

He's becoming more like me every day, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

"I'm leaving early today. Can you lock up the shop?" I asked him, to which he nodded.
"Sure, I'll clean up and lock up," he answered me.

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