Chapter 24

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As we sat down at the table, King closed the bar and sent everyone out. Josie and Nora took care of Ivy's baby while we sat together and talked to Bane and Aunt Jane about something important. Dad kept looking at me angrily and insisted that Chris sit with us. Aunt Jane had absolutely nothing against it because, after all, it was his business, which Chris was quite reluctant about. Father insisted that Elijah leave the room but when I turned to him and looked at him desperately, he understood immediately.

"I'm not going anywhere," Elijah said sternly and sat down next to me.

He sat between me and dad like a protective shield to show him that I wasn't defenseless. Elijah didn't say anything to him but his posture was enough. His gaze was sternly focused on Chris, and he was watching him, like a hunter watching his prey. Even King was tense at Elijah's behavior, but Ivy just looked at him with a grin. She was so proud that he stood in front of me so defensively. Not just in front of father but in front of everyone else too.

"So what's this about?" Dad asked, clearly angry.

"Maybe you'll tell us why a stranger could come into our family and you turn against everyone?" Aunt Jane asked as she looked at Chris condescendingly and then turned to father.

"What?" Dad asked confused.

"Pete, you know I love you. You're my brother... but I love these kids too," I heard Aunt Jane say looking from Ivy to me. "It's been too long that you've been misbehaving... I was grateful that I was saved and so busy living my old life again that I didn't see a lot of things. And I'm sorry... Lilly," said Aunt Jane, to which I looked up from my hands to her.

She looked at me sadly, her guilty conscience obviously bothering her, and Bane took her hand as she became emotional.

"After you left, my conscience gave me no rest... I promised your mother on her deathbed that I would take care of you until you found your way... and I failed," Aunt Jane began. "The whole thing with Chris seemed to me at first to be just a bad breakup. An immature man and a woman who was too good for him," she continued, to which our father let out a mocking laugh.

"What's this all about? She's the one who shouldn't be ashamed of anyone else," Dad said, to which Ivy looked at him.

"Ashamed of what Dad?" she asked, but before father could answer Jane took something out of her bag and placed it on the table.

We all looked at the papers she spread on the table and my eyes widened.

"Perhaps Chris will explain to us why he has had such a close friendship with Peter for years?" Jane asked turning to Chris.

"You, my brother, were tricked by a child. He knew exactly how much you wanted a son, a successor. Someone who would take over all your business and therefore get all your money. That's why he was with Lilly for years just to be friends with you," Aunt Jane said to Dad. "You supported a master manipulator... you gave him money to prove in front of others who he is, and you gave him more and more money... even interrupting Lilly's studies so you could support him. I'm blaming you for all this shit that's happening to Lilly," she continued.

The room was quiet and father watched as his only sister confronted him in front of us.

"He told you that she cheated on him but that he still loves her and wants to fight for her. I know he scratched your ego, making you think that you raised a horrible fucking person. But you never knew the truth," Jane said pulling a photo out of her pocket. "This is Sharon... the girl that Chris cheated on your daughter with... she's pregnant and Chris's parents want him to marry her. His way out would have been if Lilly had been stupid and forgiven him. He would have kept her quiet brought, because money solves many things. Isn't it Chris?" she asked turning to him.

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