Chapter 21

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The image before my eyes blended into a palette of colors as we sped through Irvine. I stared through the window, dazed by everything we had experienced in the last few days and the eerie feeling of what we still had ahead of us.
Without knowing, Ava threw us such a large support ring that we all clung to. Maybe there's nothing there, but now it's the only place that's important to us and to which we rush.

"Okay guys, Tom will cover us with his men as soon as we let him know that we have discovered Duke and Lilly," King said as he made what was probably the tenth phone call of the trip.

"We won't need any cover," I heard Storm say and looked at the radio where his voice was coming from.

He was damn right, we definitely won't need any cover. The anger inside me boiled and I clenched my jaw as I heard the navigation.

"Turn'll soon reach your destination," she said.
Our SUVs stopped and we all got out, as soon as we turned.

"Don't do anything alone, Gears," King said as he grabbed my arm and I looked at him.

He shook his head and turned me to him as I jumped out of the car.

"I know, brother...but we have your back. Like you had ours," Ace said as he patted my shoulder and I nodded.
"Take your weapons...let's go," King shouted.

Wrath, Doc, and Storm went to the West side while King and Ace went to the East side. Miguel and one of the prospects went straight for it. The plan was to surround them and then communicate via headsets. We didn't know if they were even there, but this was the only thing we had for days and we were ready for anything.
The only one who couldn't come was Ink. He was ready to go and already geared up when Ivy asked him to stay. King listened to what she said and let him decide for himself. I could see that he would have gone into the damn fight for Duke, but Ivy looked at him desperately. So he stayed and I don't blame him.

"I have a view of a hut," I heard King's voice in my ear.

"The damn van is parked behind it," Ace said.

"Be careful, something is moving,"  Storm replied, which made us all look around cautiously.

We didn't know how many men Bruce had or whether we would be numerically superior. Caution was advised, and we stuck to it.

"I see four men," said Ace. "Armed...there's another one in the house," he added.

However, they didn't seem to be particularly well prepared, and we watched in amazement as they separated and each went in a different direction. A blunt blow was heard, and shortly afterwards I saw Storm looking at me with a grin. He simply knocked out the motherfucker that was coming in his direction.

"Caution!" King shouted before shots were heard.

We threw ourselves on the ground, and Miguel looked at me as one of Bruce's men started shooting around.

"What the hell are they doing?" he asked.

"Take out the crazy one," King said, and I didn't let him repeat it.

I ended the shooting with a huge bang when I simply blew the man up.
"Fucking shit," I heard Ace shout while Storm laughed.

"Get them!" King yelled, and we all moved forward and took out the remaining two men.

I heard King start to yelp like a coyote, something I heard Ivy do and also the people in Alaska when we were there. Lilly will know we are here. Just when I thought she knew, I heard her scream.

"Elijah!" was heard so loudly that my head immediately turned to the hut that was a little away from us.

I had my head clear and focused on the rescue the whole time, but when I heard her desperate voice I saw black. Nothing could hold me anymore as I ran, not even King who called after me. I bridged the distance to the door of the hut in long, quick steps, and when I was in front of it I simply kicked it open. The shot that fired from my gun was at the same time as Bruce's. I watched as his lifeless body fell to the ground, and my eyes stared at Duke's wide open ones. His eyes fell from Bruce to the wall to his left, and I followed his disturbed gaze. Lilly was sitting on the floor, her head turned to the side, her eyes closed.

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