Chapter 15

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Lily acting all innocent after saying the most jaw-dropping, dirtiest, craziest, and delusional things ever is something I can never get enough of. Lily loved our roleplay, and I could see that clearly, and I am not complaining. Not at all. A few hours ago, she was kneeling in front of me with my hand around her neck, pleading and begging to let her come, and now she waves to me from Doc's front porch as she says goodbye to a patient. I could hardly contain my grin when I saw her like that from my workshop. She was so perfect and mine.

"I'm happy for you," I heard Miguel say, and I turned to him. "You look good when you smile like that, brother," he added.

I just shook my head, laughing, and turned to the cars we were repairing.

"Thank you, Miguel... Thank you for continuing to work for me here when I couldn't," I said to him.

"Not that I had a choice. You took on a hell of a lot of orders," he replied, laughing. I know... in my desire to avoid Lily, I have taken on far too much work that needs to be done now.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise," I replied.

"It's all good, Gears. You know I love working here," he said in his mind.

"Good, because we're working our asses off today. I have to finish this. I have a date to organize for Saturday," I replied, to which he laughed.

"What do you have planned?" he asked as he worked on the engine and I looked over from my car to his, which we were working on.

"I have no idea," I replied, laughing.

"Well, Saturday is tomorrow, Brother... Take her out to dinner. Lilly is a girly girl, she likes the fancy stuff. A walk on the beach afterwards... Every woman likes romance," he said.

Romance... that's something I didn't know. But I would do anything for her. I could do romance; it's not that hard.
I looked at him as he held the wrench in his hand and stared at the engine, deep in thought.

"You must be in love," I stated at his behavior, and he turned his head to me.

"I was," he said briefly and continued with his work.

"You were what," I heard Duke's voice behind us, which I turned to.

"Heavy under work pressure," Miguel replied with a laugh, to which I shook my head with a grin.

"Lilly and I will take Ruby to the airport later. We'll meet Alice in Irvine. She wants to organize something for the wedding and needs our help... Some secret stuff that King and Ivy shouldn't know about," he said to me, and I looked at him questioningly.

"Ok?" I asked rather than answering.

"You have to cover for us. It'll only take an hour... two at the most," Duke said.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, confused.

"Make something up, Daddy!" Duke said with a laugh as he walked to the bar.

"Idiot," I called after him, and he laughed even louder.

It was already Friday, and I knew that Ruby was flying home. Lilly was sad that she couldn't see her friend every day anymore, but it is what it is. Ruby wasn't part of our community, and the less she knows, the better. I still had to talk to Lilly about our community. I know she was not aware of all the things we do. Ivy mentioned us telling her together, and I agreed. We've been lucky that nothing has come from Tom lately, no one we have to protect, no one in the safe house, and absolutely no one who needs help.

You might think the world is safe and everything is fine, but I knew that somewhere someone was definitely in trouble because evil never sleeps. But at the time, it was also relaxation for us, which we enjoyed. King and Ivy were hard at work setting up their baby room. Yesterday, I helped King put the crib together, as promised. And just the thought of a child coming soon was scary. I loved children... I did. But when they were so small and vulnerable, I couldn't even look at them. They just reminded me too much of Jimmy... that crying. I just couldn't.

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