Chapter 17

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I don't know if you can go crazy if you're already like me, but I was close to it.
The smoke from the cigarette rose before my eyes as I stared dazedly at the table we were sitting at.
"Wrath is going to get Alice with some of the prospects. They will accompany her home. Alice was waiting for Duke and Lilly... they wanted to buy something," King said as he came into the room and explained to the others.
I told him that Alice should meet Duke and Lilly in Irvine; luckily, at least she hadn't been kidnapped.

"The package arrived via express delivery. It was sent from Irvine... no return address.And Dukes GPS is dead," Void said as he shook his head.

The air couldn't seem to reach my lungs, and panic washed over me as I thought about the man's words.
"We have your people," he said. He didn't just have my people, he had my girl, my angel.

Everything the brothers around me said was like a mixture of words that didn't reach me. I failed again, she's gone and my curse will take her now.
I don't know why I thought I could be happy once in my life. She'll die like Megan, like Jimmy, and there's nothing I can do.

"King, we have something," I heard Void say, who had been typing away on his laptop for an hour.

The room fell silent as he played a video on the large wall and we all watched as Duke and Lilly were jumped.

"Tom is on the line," Void said as he pointed to the phone that was ringing.

"Tell me you have something," I heard King say as he turned on the speaker.

"This is from the security camera at the airport, about three hours ago. We can't see any faces and the license plates are stolen... things aren't looking good at the moment, King," I heard Tom's voice and clenched my fists.

The video played again, and I took a deep breath as I watched a much stronger man grab Lilly by her hair.My woman... he put his hands on my woman.

"Play it again," I heard Miguel say, who got up and went to the wall.

As if the torment had no end, I saw it again and again.
"Stop!" Miguel shouted, and we looked at the frozen image.

"I... I'm not sure... but can you enlarge it?" he asked Void, who nodded.

"Motherfucker," I heard Ink curse as he stood up."I did that! The tattoo on his wrist... I did that. That's Bruce!" Ink said, and we all looked at him.

"Are you fucking sure?" King asked him.

Void enlarged the image again, much sharper than before, and Ink nodded.
"Without a doubt... he wanted that shit with neon ink that I had to special order. I recognize my work, King. That's Bruce, I'm sure," Ink said.

"That little piece of shit," I heard Ace swear.

Of course he was not available when we called him, but his voice on the voicemail... It was him for sure, Ink was right.

"Find me everything about Bruce... and not the things we already know and have checked. Find me things that are buried. Find anything," King shouted angrily to Void, who nodded.

King's gaze met me as I clenched my jaw. Club business... that's why she was kidnapped.
Doc was the last to enter the room, and King turned to him.

"Ivy is fine. She's with the women... the baby is fine too," he said to King, who was running his hand through his hair.
"Your mother is with her too... But she is fighting to get here," Doc added.

All the excitement that was going on here caused Ivy to collapse when she saw that Lilly and Duke had been taken. She was standing behind us when King opened the little box, and we didn't even see her. King did try to keep her away from it, but she followed us. Luckily, Ace was there to catch her when she did tip over.

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