Chapter 26

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I stood on shaky legs in front of Ivy's door with a huge smile on my face. Elijah showed me not only once how much he loved me; he repeated it three more times. I was exhausted but overjoyed. He had to do something in the workshop and then we would go on our date. The date that was supposed to happen a long time ago.

"Well, someone's in a particularly good mood today," Ivy said as she opened the door and saw me.

Although I tried not to show it so much, I didn't care if others saw me that way. Overjoyed.

"It is what it is," I replied as I came into the house and King started laughing.

"Now Lilly sounds like Gears," he said with a laugh when he saw me.

"I can't do anything about it," I replied, to which they both laughed.

My little nephew was sleeping in his crib, and I stood next to him and looked at him.

"He's such a strong boy," I said to which Ivy nodded proudly.

"Like his daddy," she replied. "That's why he'll be called Aidan," she added.

"What?" King asked in surprise.

"You called him Aidan?" I asked enthusiastically.

"No...I decided so. He should bear the name of the strongest, most loving and best man I know," said Ivy and looked at King.

He tried to contain his emotions but the tears in his eyes spoke more than a thousand words.

"Aidan Jr.," he said proudly.

"That's so nice...Hey Aidan," I said as I stroked his little cheek with a finger.

"And we wanted to ask you something else..." Ivy added and turned to King.

"Well...we would like to have you and Gears as godparents...if you want it," King asked.

My eyes opened wide with excitement, and I held my hands over my mouth to hold back my sobs.
"Is that a yes?" he asked, confused.

I don't know how Elijah feels about it, but I would be over the moon about it. "I'll talk to Elijah," I said, and they both nodded, aware of his fear of children.
"I would be thrilled if he agreed...A godfather," I said proudly.

" would be good godparents," said a man's voice to which I turned.

Father stood in the doorway and looked from me to Ivy as he greeted King.

"I...I'd like to talk to you," he said as he looked from Ivy to me.

King stood up and took baby Aidan in his arms.
"It's time to change diapers," he said, to which Ivy whispered a thank you as he looked at her.

Before Ivy could say anything, Father started talking. "I'm an idiot," he said.

"Yeah, you are," Ivy replied, to which I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I know I can never make up for this...but I will try for the rest of my life," I heard him say.

"It's not that easy, Dad. Just come here and say you're sorry and you think that's it," Ivy answered him.

"Maybe it's because I'm an old stubborn person who still lives in the Stone Age. The reputation in the community and the biker world was so important to me that I overlooked what I once fought for," said Father sadly. "I left California so I could start a family with the love of my life. I was willing to sacrifice everything for her, and instead of loving and honoring our children in her memory...I did the opposite," he said, a trembling voice. "I'm sorry, Lilly...I'm a bad father. I should never have allowed a stranger to come between us," he said, looking at me.

The curse of Gears ( MC No limits Books 5)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu