Chapter 16

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"Lovesick puppies," Ruby said, laughing as we drove off to take her to the airport.

"Sick puppies for sure," Duke said, and I laughed.

"Don't be so mean," Ruby told him.

"I'm not mean...I just know so."he stated."Our girl here has caught fucking Christian Grey," I heard Duke say, and I turned to him.

"Duke," I said, surprised.

"No way!" Ruby shouted excitedly.

"Shut up, Duke," I said, laughing.

"Yeah, look at them. Fucking freaks," he replied laughing, "I know more than you know," he said in a sing-song voice.

"What?" Ruby asked, laughing.

"Does he also have a red room?" Ruby asked interestedly.

"No, it's not red," he replied, to which she inhaled in shock and I started laughing.

"Girl," she replied with wide eyes.

"Who would have known something like that would come from the quiet man," she said in surprise.

"It's always the quiet ones," Duke added, to which she nodded.

"Damn, girl," I heard her say, to which I shook my head laughing.

They talked the whole way about things they really seemed not to know about or just made fun of it in their way.
We took Ruby to the airport, and I looked at my phone to text Gars.

"Come on, ugly, we have to pick something up before we meet up with Alice," said Duke as the plane took off and Ruby returned to Alaska.

"What do you mean by picking something up?" I asked him.

"I ordered something a while ago. One of the prospects gave me an idea for the wedding present I ordered. We just have to pick it up, it should arrive yesterday," he explained to me as we walked to the parking garage.

Duke thinks of everything, I have to give it to him. I walked next to him, thinking about what I could give them. It's the wedding of my sister, and I have to make it special for her.

"What did you buy?" I asked, turning to him...but he wasn't walking next to me anymore.

When I turned around, I saw two men with covered faces throwing him to the ground, and I screamed.
"Duke," I shouted in fear while he fought around with his fists. The two men had to fight quite a bit because Duke wasn't that easy to overpower.

"Run," he called to me, and I turned to the car.

My first thought was Elijah. I took my phone out of my pocket and ran to the car, but I didn't get far.
I bumped into a masked man who suddenly stood in front of me and grabbed me.

"Wanna run?" he asked me angrily.

He grabbed me by my hair and pushed me to the ground.
"You'll have to reconsider, Duke, whether you're going to continue," he shouted as I heard the click of his gun as he held it to my temple.

Duke's eyes found mine, and he looked at the gun pointed at me as I whimpered.
A dark van stopped behind him, and two more men got out. The four hit Duke and dragged him into the van.
"Wanna join us?" The man asked as he rubbed his head against mine, and I closed my eyes at his behavior.

"Move, bitch," he yelled as he pushed me to the car and threw me in.

I looked at Duke, who was almost unconscious on the ground with so much blood on his face. The car drove off quickly, and the masked men looked at me.

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