Chapter 9

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I don't know what excited me more about our evening, the fun at the beach or our drive home. Her body pressed against mine as she held on to me, in the ocean or on the bike... I could get used to it, either way.
I felt her hands on my stomach, and as I pulled up to the gate to our community, I placed my hand over hers as I waited for the prospect to open the gate. I don't know what she was thinking, I just wanted to touch her, even if only in this way.
When I turned my head sideways, she leaned hers on my shoulder and I just smiled at her behavior.

I really thought she was afraid of me, but it seems she likes me. She seemed very vulnerable and hurt when she talked about her father and this Chris guy. I was mad like he cheated on me and not her. Who in the world would cheat on such a woman?

We stood in front of the fence of King and Ivy's house when I stopped, she only took off her helmet when she saw me take mine off first.
Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked at me with those pretty eyes. King and Ivy sat on their front porch and just stared at us. It was not an angry look or happy, just a surprised look on their faces. The creep and the nice girl.

"Well...thanks," she said to me.

"For what...that was your choice for a date. So thank you," I replied to which she laughed.

"Yeah...I should have thought of something better, but I didn't know if you would even go with me on a date. Not that this was a date... but if it were. I mean," she began to explain to which I shook my head with a smirk.

"Don't worry, kitten, I got you," I replied to her and she just smiled at me, her cheeks even more flushed.

"So...," she began, and her shy nature around me only made her more adorable.

"Saturday?" I asked, and she looked at me questioningly. "Our date... Saturday... If you want," I added.

"Of course I want to... I mean Saturday is okay," she replied, which made me smile.

"This will be a real date, Lilly," I told her, and she nodded happily.

"I know, Elijah," she replied to me.

She handed me the helmet I gave her, and I shook my head.
"Keep it, you'll need it," I explained, to which she beamed, as if I had given her something valuable and not my spare helmet.

We stared at each other until Ivy made a coughing noise, and I looked at her over Lilly's shoulder. She made a kissing move like she was making out with the air, and King turned his head to the side, shaking it to not laugh out loud.

"I should probably go," I told Lilly who stared at the floor now nervously.

"Sure," she replied.

"See you, Lilly," I said to which she nodded and replied, "See you, Elijah."

I saw King and Ivy's teasing faces as she said my name, and I revved my bike when I drove off.
I didn't care if they laughed at me; I know they didn't mean anything bad, but I didn't want to make Lilly feel uncomfortable.
When I got home, I thought for a moment and sent her a message.

"I hope they didn't tease you because we were on a date," I wrote to her.

She didn't answer anything for a while until my phone rang. When I saw her name, my lips curled into a smile.

"What's up, Kitten?" I asked.

"Well... if this was a date and I took you out, I need to call you to see if you came safely home... Isn't that what you guys do?" She asked, to which I laughed.

"I have no idea, Kitten. I've never been on a date before," I replied.

"Oh... well, don't put pressure on me now," she said, laughing.

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