Chapter 23

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A few weeks have passed since we freed Duke and Lilly.
We haven't seen Duke since Tom took him in that helicopter, the only one who was allowed to see him was King.
He told us that Duke is in a hospital and is being cared for there. Duke had internal bleeding and broken bones that required special care. His concussion was probably pretty big since he was out for days. He had surgery and is currently recovering. And he doesn't want to see any of us... that's what King told us. We spoke to him on the phone a few times and that's all. He didn't sound like himself, which worried me. But he definitely didn't want any of us to come, that was his wish and we had to respect it. He was not alone...we wanted to be there for him, take care of him...but he made King promise it. And so the President gave us orders, to leave him alone until he will be ready.
Whatever was going on with Duke he wanted to do it alone and that was the worst thing for all of us.

Evelyn was still in the hospital recovering and Ivy came home. The baby she gave birth to was premature, but the little man is very strong and a true fighter. She still had a few weeks to go. But the boy obviously couldn't wait. After almost three weeks in the hospital, they were released. The baby was doing good and gained weight, a real fighter.
King was scared as shit to take him home. But Doc reassured him that the kid was perfectly fine, healthy, and strong and will be taken care of best at home.
The whole thing threw us all completely off guard and we tried to live normal everyday lives again.

Lilly worked with Doc, she was ready for work again... that's what she said. She took care of Ivy and the baby afterwards, and I know she loved that. Lilly visited Emily a lot in the last few weeks. I know there are things she doesn't want to talk to me about, and I understand it.
Only after a few hours of therapy with Emily did she seem to come to again. She dreamed a lot at the beginning, I sometimes lay awake for hours and just watched her sleep. As soon as she started to fight back in her sleep, I woke her up. I know how it's like being haunted by dreams. I just held her in my arms and she cried. I tried to comfort her with my presence. But since the incident I haven't even tried to touch her. And Emily told me to stop acting like she is a stranger.
I think she was right... she is always right. I was scared of hurting Lilly in any kind, that I began to act strangely. I didn't want to overwhelm her, she will need time I thought.

The time I wanted to give her, others couldn't. After Ivy had her child, her father found out that he had become a grandfather and he will be here soon. He had planned to come to the wedding, but everything is now postponed because Ivy and King wanted to wait for Duke, he was the best man. Instead he comes to visit his grandson and Lilly was tense about his visit.
King had a lot to do with his family, so Ace took over his duties. He didn't know that Pete wasn't supposed to know about all this, and when he couldn't reach Ivy, he called everyone whose number he had.

This is how he found out about the birth and is expected here today.
I was tinkering with a car that was in the workshop, deep in thought, and turned to the door when I heard someone come in.
Lilly stood there and watched me, she leaned against the door and smiled.

"Hey," I said as I put the wrench away and walked towards her.

"Hey," she replied, still smiling.

I haven't seen her smile for a long time and was happy to see her like that again.

"Are you finished work yet?" I asked her to which she nodded.

"I talked to Emily..." she started and I looked at her curiously. "Maybe this is a chance for a new beginning... with Dad..." she said to me.

"Sure kitten, if that's what you want," I replied smiling.

She came to me and stood in front of me, her little hands stroked my chest as she looked up at me. I missed her closeness, the looks we exchanged and tenderness. I missed her terribly, and I was all the happier when she showed me she was ready again for being close. She got up on her toes and kissed my lips softly.

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