A Secret

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I really don't understand why Anastasia is here in Seattle. I am going need to find out what is going on here. Kate seems oblivious to her roommates activities. The containers that were mysteriously recovered from the moving people were definitely weapons. The look on the guys faces tell me something happened when she went with them to recover the missing items. They had bruises on their faces that weren't there before. They looked repentant and followed her upstairs with everything she was missing. She inventoried everything and she got their drivers license numbers and employee identification and numbers. She made phone calls to their bosses and went outside with the movers and I heard some noises and I think they were arrested for stealing. She filed a report.

Leave it to me to hire the only moving company that doesn't do a deep background check. One of my guns is missing and whoever took it won't be able to sell it or use it. I removed all parts that made it work and what it is used for. My inventory was about to be taken by these scumbags and one has been taken by them. The one that belonged to my father, grandfather and great grandfather Steele. It was left to me in the will. It can't be replaced because of its history. I insured it but the money doesn't matter to me, the family attachment does. I have photos of it on my phone and sent those to the police and my insurance company. The cops arrested them because of the missing guns and then my family gun.

I haven't checked my things yet, can you help me with that Anastasia? She pulls out my list and we go through all the items and some of my items are missing as well. I add a list of missing things to her list for the cops and the insurance company. It turns out these guys had no idea that they were being watched by cameras on the street and at the loading and unloading dock. I noticed they brought a few things out and then took them back inside the moving van. They stole over fifty thousand dollars combined from me and Anastasia. Thomas had to leave after everything was settled. We found out that these guys had taken the gun and my things out of the van on the way to Seattle. They missed the other containers because they were put in first. Anastasia watched these guys pack things up. The last boxes were things that were extremely valuable to us as far as it was a family heirloom.

It is days like these that I should have stayed home and slept. Now I have to advise Jason of Anastasia moving into Escala on the fifteenth floor. She has the whole floor. A team came in and did major work on the whole floor in preparation for a new owner of the fifteenth floor. The plans had to be approved by the board and permits were granted for the modifications. Even Mr Grey had asked if he could use a few of their modifications after Jason and Barney looked at them. So Elliott was dragged to the penthouse to work his magic. All of us had to be trained on new equipment prior to it being installed and placed on line. Now I know why all the cloak and dagger was for Anastasia Steele. A lot of rumors regarding the Steele's and what actually happened to them.

I call my contacts and they tell me that they are aware of a new case that is being investigated in Seattle and they want it to be quietly handled. They knew how safe Escala is and they want that for their agent. They wouldn't say much more, but they told me that Miss Steele will be going active soon and that we are probably safer with her living in the building because a visitor to the building is under suspicion.

We finally see the new neighbors and I am stymied at who they are. I am surprised they don't live in New York. Kate Kavanagh and Anastasia Steele families lost their parents in an airplane crash. It was all over the news and not all the bodies were recovered. Jason knows all about who lives in this building and who comes and goes here. There are some lecherous people in this building. Jack Hyde lives on the first floor and has a lot of female traffic. He tried to hit on Mia and she shut him down. He wasn't happy about it at all. But he couldn't do a thing about it. Elliott wants to chat with the person who came up with the designs for the fifteenth floor.

When Christian told me Kate Kavanagh was actually in Seattle and living on the fifteenth floor. I was shocked. I met her when I had to go to the meeting for the plane crash survivors. Two of my workers died in that crash leaving children orphaned. I had to find their relatives and get an attorney and Kate had a good one that took the cases for the children. We went out with a few people and had a great time. We met Anastasia Steele and numerous others, but I went home with Kate. I need to see her again. I will wait until they are settled a bit, oh hell I can go help her unpack her things. That way I get to see her again.

I stop in at Jack's place at Escala. I wished he had not taken the last apartment and close to the security offices. Traffic of young ladies is busy and luckily he has a cover for all the visits. As long as he doesn't draw more attention we will be fine. He is going to open an office in a less noticeable area than this exclusive building.

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