Elliott Connor Grey Jr

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I am so glad we got through the wedding and stayed in town. We were smart enough to get the nursery ready for the baby in the house that Anastasia gave to Kate. I can now say that Anastasia helped deliver my son and kept Kate calm while we waited for the EMT's. Anastasia had training and had an emergency room set up with everything needed for any emergency. The surgical equipment and instructions on how to deliver a baby if needed. She didn't need to read it at all. Apparently she had delivered babies before. I guess Kate wanted her to come over because she was feeling uncomfortable. Her water broke before I got home and a female security guard assisted getting her into bed after placing a rubber sheet on the bed and then sheets. My son was born at home and we finally made it to the hospital. Anastasia stayed behind to clean everything up for us. It didn't take long before she arrived to the hospital.

I called Anastasia to come over because I was feeling strange and knew Anastasia had delivered babies. A few college friends had hidden their pregnancies and Anastasia delivered their babies in the dormitory. I was there for one of them. She helped them get through all of it. Elliott finally made it after his son arrived and the EMTs. I was so glad that Anastasia was so close and she had made sure my home was prepared for any emergency. I was very happy that I decided to take advantage of the fact Anastasia gave me the home on her estate and she made sure she could get to me quickly if needed. I still feel like she has hidden things about herself before we met and after. I think I only knew about her abilities to deliver babies because I walked in on one being delivered by her in our dorm room.

I call Grace and Mia and have Elliott call Christian about his new son. I grab the packed suitcase after getting things cleaned up and everything in the laundry that needs cleaned right away. Some soaking will be needed, I had my staff come over and straighten things out and clean the house and get food in the fridge for Elliott and Kate. I also have them stock the nursery with what they will need. Plus all the female products for Kate. Including Kleenex and chocolate. Soon I arrive and find the suite Kate is in and everyone has arrived and photos are being taken and Kate needs her bags.

I greet Anastasia and tell her she did a great job of delivering my grandson. She said it wasn't her first time delivering a baby and most likely not the last time. Carrick and Christian arrive at that moment and she goes and sits on the sofa while the whole family are getting photos of the baby posing with all of us. Kate finally has Anastasia and the baby pose for photos together and then with him and her and Elliott. She makes her excuses and leaves after that.

I notice Anastasia grimace when Christian and I walk into the room together. I don't know what happened between those two but it must have been something major. I can't even get an answer from Christian and Anastasia isn't coming around any longer. Grace runs into her now and again but she doesn't seem to know anything either. Mia has no idea either and she chats with her as much as she does Kate. Kate has no idea what went on either. We asked Kate and Mia, but they told us she didn't want to discuss Christian at all. I have learned not to ask my children about their love life.

I should have known that Anastasia would be here after all Kate and Anastasia are very close friends. Photos are being taken and not long after that she leaves very quickly after telling Kate and Elliott that she has everything ready at their house. She hugs them goodbye and leaves. They take little Elliott to get circumcised and mom goes and oversees the surgery with security following the baby. I decide to leave just after I talk to my dad and then give my gifts to the new parents.

Anastasia passes me and I stop her to thank her for the new gift for our homeless people. She donated another building so we could get medical and dental services for them. We have been lucky enough to have a few people to train in those fields and have offered their services. She nods and says it was the least she could do. Something is off about her and I can tell. She leaves just as Christian Grey heads our way. She disappears from my view before I know it. I am waiting for a teenager that I found unconscious close to our doors. An ambulance brought her in for treatment.

I wait in the chair by the intake area and I am interested in the fact that Anastasia has nearly ran out the exit door as soon as Christian makes his appearance. I suspected there was something going on between them and it looks like I am right. We were never right for one another. Leila and I are married and we support each other's charities. I love how she was able to help so many people who were homeless become part of society again and help them get a home of their own. Some weren't interested in being helped but she always found a way to help them without pressuring them to adjust their lifestyles. There will always be homeless people in this world and people trying to help them, but not everyone wants the kind of help they are offered. Leila isn't in it for accolades and I like that about her and I like that about Anastasia as well.
We weren't meant to be, but Leila was perfect for me.

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