Catching Up

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It has been a long time since I saw Anastasia and it was going to be us that got kidnapped. But Anastasia was taken to the ER after a classmate stuffed her in her locker. I didn't know what happened to her, I was just told by Karen that she already left. Karen had no idea what happened. It was the whole cheerleading squad that had done it. I checked her medical records and the police reports against these girls. She got in quite a few blows as she was being dragged to her locker. It wasn't funny at all. It was all because one of the football players wouldn't leave Anastasia alone even after she kneed him in the groin. He told his team and the cheerleaders were told to handle it. The guy was mad because she told him no thanks to having sex with him.the families paid for everything and it made the news. The football players and cheerleaders were suspended from school immediately and did community service. When they tried again to hurt Anastasia they went to juvenile. Karen had me ran off the road and grabbed from my car that night. I thought she had killed my family as she threatened to do if I escaped. She never knew I escaped at all. I could see it in her eyes when I caught her. Her disguise didn't fool me a bit. After hearing about Colleen and Brian being found guilty, I knew it was the real ones because they were killed during an escape. Someone got Connor out though. I saw him on a plane with a young couple who had no idea how to care for him. I didn't know he was left alone in front of Anastasia's car. He has a mom and dad now.

Amber and I had a long chat and we found out some very interesting and disturbing facts about what happened when we were separated by Karen kidnapping her. She honed her self defense skills and mom and dad made sure she had access to her trust funds in case she needed it and I kept them going and added her portion of the estate along with the profits from the family business. She was able to access it but didn't. I would have known if she had withdrew anything from it. Somehow she was able to maintain her life all this time. We were both the targets but I was stuck bleeding in my locker. My parents went looking for us and they found my car at school and Ambers wrecked. Her purse and things were still in it. My things were placed in my locker with me. The things we told each other. She definitely has lived through hell and back. She has been trying to locate Karen, but Karen was very good at hiding until she arrived in Seattle. It was the security teams that drew attention to her and made her obvious. They might have lost Karen but Amber didn't. She finally slept when she found out that Karen was in prison.

I get a call from Roger Rabbit and I need to go. I have no idea who Roger is but I head out to meet him at a crowded area where he leaves me little gifts of information. I suspect it is a victim of human trafficking. Whoever it is not wanting to be seen and possibly not male. I can't get a grasp on who it is though. They somehow know where I am at city wise. I can't seem to get any description of them. I go get the information and I need to leave the city and back to New York right away. I am on a plane when I am approached by someone calling herself Mia Grey and she thinks I am Anastasia and I really don't feel like explaining who I really am so I let her keep chatting away, her fiancé Ethan Kavanagh as she tells me once again is taking her to buy her wedding dress. She keeps calling me Anastasia and I keep listening like I am Anastasia. For some reason she wants me to give Christian her brother a chance to date me. She goes into the fact that women throw themselves at him and somehow the paparazzi catch it all on video or photographic evidence. He isn't dating anyone at all.

Mia hasn't noticed that Anastasia is not Anastasia but a look a like. I am going to laugh when I tell her that it wasn't Anastasia she was talking to. If she had stopped to let her tell her that she wasn't Anastasia she would have found out why the woman just nodded at her. She barely got a word in other wise. Mia finally relaxes and both her and the Anastasia fall asleep. When we get to New York drivers with signs hold up last names and I see Steele and the Anastasia look a like has headed over to the Steele sign. Mia didn't see it because she was busy organizing her suitcases to be placed in the limo trunk. She brought a lot of luggage with her.

Stuart Davis Limo Driver
I had to get another limo to follow me to the Kavanagh estate and help load the luggage in the trunks. It was a huge headache because the young lady demanded we not scratch her expensive luggage. He really is marrying this young lady? I wish him the best and his staff good luck, which includes me. Hopefully they won't be in New York often. She is definitely a spoiled princess.

Oh boy I am so glad to be far away from the bride to be. I grab my bags and head towards the driver with the sign and tell him that I have a car service already. I can't have people holding up signs like this for me if I want to remain anonymous.

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