Tears That No One Sees

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Everything has been going through my mind lately and I just can't get things out of my mind. No one knows about my identical twin. She went missing and my parents were on the plane to follow the lead on where she was last seen when Colleen and Brian made sure the plane they were on crashed. Kate wanted blood when she found out they were responsible for the plane crash. Christian wanted blood as well and so did Elliott. I cry every single time I look at her photos, Kate has never seen her photos, well none that had us both in the photos. The questions she might ask could cause me to lose it. I just hope my sister is alive out there and safe. I hope Colleen and Brian finally gives up the information they have.

Anastasia has closed herself off from the world because she can't get anyone to tell where all the victims have been taken to. I decided to try my hand at it. What I discovered was that all the human traffickers were moved to federal prisons. I had to get special permission to talk to anyone about the human trafficking they were found guilty of. Colleen was nothing but a bitch and she wanted information instead of giving me any. Something Anastasia is burying deep inside and she has been trying to get information out of everyone she can regarding the human trafficking victims.

Unknown Faceless Chained Woman
I don't know the day or where I am at, but I know that I am not allowed to talk or go outside. I am by far not the only one suffering. I have witnessed how much pain others have endured. My parents taught us how to cope with dangerous situations. I was living in luxury when first taken but still wore heavy chains. I was used until they were bored with me and my children were taken from me after they were born. They moved me to the laundry room and I work until all the laundry is complete. I get to eat and drink and they let me use the facilities. They hose us off and we are given new clothing every week. I finally have been freed and don't know who has freed me or how I can find my way home. I am led away and brought to someplace that looks like a makeshift hospital. They are putting an IV in my arm and someone is washing me. I am arriving in New York and then taken to my parents home. I am told that my parents are dead. I am taken to my old room where my things are still there. Hardly anything fits me, so I go check in my mom's closet and find a pair of jeans and a top. She has new undergarments and I put those on. Mom was always slimmer than we were. I find a pair of my tennis shoes and stuff them with ankle socks to assure they fit. My ankles, neck and wrists are still healing from the chains. They found over two hundred of us the day they came for us. For some reason none of my photos are around. I even look in the library for the family photo albums. People keep asking me if I am alright. I am getting physical therapy and a plastic surgeon is going to repair my wounds. I notice a framed photo and look at it and wonder what the photo is of, it's like a bunch of blurry colorful dots. I can't figure out what the picture is of yet. I decide to look at the back of the photo. I then see a photo of what looks like my parents along with me and an exact copy of me. It was behind an envelope and the photo frame stand insert. I open the envelope and it is from my parents and to whom it may concern. Then it goes into details about who they are including the two females are, one being me. I have to get all my ids and a new passport. I was issued a temporary passport to get back into the US. I am in therapy and on temporary disability I have credit cards and a checking account with a nice sum in it. I have someone take me to get clothing to wear for now. I have bodyguards and staff looking after me.

I start taking Kate to family dinners and try to get Anastasia to join us but she is working on something as usual. Her and Christian are always busy working on something. I have taken the Grace out with Mac doing all the work while Kate and I enjoy ourselves completely. We did a weekend jaunt and it was great fun. I have been spending a lot of time with Kate and Ethan has been spending time with Mia at the apartment that Christian has allowed him use of. I think that Mia hopes this is the one.

Anastasia has been throwing herself into staying busy so busy in fact I found her sound asleep in the elevator standing against the wall. I helped get her to her apartment. I placed her down on one the guest room beds and left. Sarah has told me she has no idea what she has been doing lately but involves photos and videos.

I noticed Anastasia crying and she denied it she said it was from allergies and eye strain. Now he tells me he found her sleeping in the elevator standing up against the wall and took her into her apartment and laid her on the guest room bed to sleep. I am very worried about her and Connor is asking to visit her. I found her sleeping in her car with it running and turned the car off after putting it back in park. That was the last straw for me. I went to her apartment and waited for her to wake up to chat with her.

It Started With A PhotoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ