The Only Federal Prison In Washington State

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Unknown Woman
I sign in to see Colleen first, I want her to know her days are numbered in this world. There are so many people in prison that will be willing to make money for their loved ones. Then there are the ones who need money for their prison accounts to stay alive. Then there are those who hate human trafficking of all ages because they include newborn babies.

I can't believe who I am looking at. She is glaring at me and demanding to know who we sold her child to and where they were. I don't wasn't to continue seeing her at all. The more she talks the more everyone around us hear about what I was found guilty of. I get up and leave and she screams it and leaves as I do.

I can't believe that she has the nerve to visit me after all that went down. I go right back to general population. I don't need this crap. She was warning me about what is to come by coming to visit me. I didn't give her a chance to say anything. I know exactly why she came to see me. I will need to watch my back very closely now.

Unknown Woman
I set things in motion to make 5heir lives hell until they beg for death. Plus Elena and Jack have no warnings at all. Word has already gotten out that I am on the move and those who crossed me will pay a dear price. I have a month on the rental and I am going to need everyday of it. I want to know when these people suffer.

Ryan Reynolds
I can't believe that I lost track of this woman after she ducked into the ladies restroom. I noticed a heavy woman walk out and that was the last time I saw anyone walk out. Surely she wasn't wearing a fat suit as skinny as she was. I head to my car and laying across my hood was the fat suit. I am going to need to figure out what car she has and put a tracker on it. I tried to get close enough to hack her phone but I couldn't. She apparently has caught onto us following her.

Archie Cooper
I took over from Ryan and added three others and we changed our looks. I learned long ago that my red hair makes me stick out so I disguise myself very well. I took courses in how to disguise yourself and it works great. It helps me in my job. We finally got a location on the woman who looks like Kate Kavanagh. Just as we thought we knew her address she moved on us. She found the tracking devices. We discovered that she is definitely related to Kate Kavanagh, we got DNA samples off the fat suit and tested them against Kate's and it turns out she is her twin sister. Background checks

Nancy Turner
I discovered that this woman doesn't like talking to other people at all. Just as we think we have her in our sites and have been ordered to pick her up after four deaths that seem to be tied to her visiting two of them have made the news. We feel she is very dangerous. We were watching her home and something happened. Emergency services were called out by a local resident. I had to call in to Ryan about something regarding really strange. The woman that looks like Kate was approached by Miss Steele. What's strange is she is different somehow. We couldn't get to them fast enough. I had never seen her coming until she had the Kate look a like on the ground tied up like a calf. How she got the gag on her was beyond me. The cops surrounded the Kate look a like and soon the FBI took over and I failed to notice boxes of files in a big circle around her. The FBI took her and all the files. I didn't see the Miss Steele look a like after that.

I am sitting here thinking we should have had tighter security on Kate. I check in on Miss Steele and she has been home all day, so that can't be her that did that. I don't doubt she could easily do that, but she can't be two places at once.

Unknown Steele Look A Like
This was my one chance to take this bitch down. She has wreaked havoc for way too long. I don't know how she got the drop on me but she did. She grabbed me after drugging me and sold me off during my teen years. Apparently she had a buyer who wanted me, it wasn't me he wanted it was Anastasia and neither him or this crazy person failed to notice that I was an identical twin. I found out that she had an identical twin at the funeral of our parents. That was the day she grabbed me and sold me. Her greed blinded her by the fact there were twins. They failed to keep me for long. I had to fight my way through a lot to get back to the US. It took quite a bit of time and courage. I built my strength up and learned how to defeat my enemies with nothing more than sheer determination on my part. I finally took her down in Seattle. I placed all the boxes of evidence around her. Let's see her get out of this pickle. I disappear into the crowds at 5'2" and barely 90 pounds I look like a child. The neighbors were easy to hide amongst. Soon I am able to jog to my car a mile away. My team laid the boxes down before the cops arrived. I loved the look on her face, Karen and Katherine are two very different twins, one's good and the other is pure evil and greedy. I made sure who was who and the weight loss was a dead give away on top of a few other factors. The marks on her neck, wrist and ankles told me who was who.

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