The Face To Face

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Karen Kavanagh
I am sitting looking and Katherine Kavanagh and Ethan Kavanagh both are my siblings I had no idea that I had a brother. My parents told me to shape up or ship out. I shipped out. Sadly my so called friends sold me out and didn't look back at me. I guess after selling off so many people none of us cared who we sold. I was sold alongside the Steele girl. Brian was the one who got the money. He would have sold his own wife if the money was right.

Amber Steele
I am watching and listening to these people talking to each other. I got special permission to listen in to these conversations. It got boring after we got what we wanted from Karen. We already know she had something to do with four deaths in prison. She definitely is a piece of work. Katherine told us that she had a bad history and people disappeared around her and they couldn't prove anything. She gave dates and names of people that she knew about. She didn't know about the twin Miss Steele because they tried to deal with kidnappers. Someone reported her missing to the newspapers and suddenly they were getting calls demanding money for her return daily. I should know I looked at the call logs for the time I was gone. My parents and the Kavanagh parents were both on a flight to try to locate me and Karen when Brian and Colleen bombed the plane. She never admitted to killing or kidnapping and selling people. She was kidnapped and sold by her own people. Karmic vibes working.

I can't believe that she was involved in all of this human trafficking but the evidence shows she was. They are working on getting the evidence against her for the four deaths of the others she worked with. Mom and dad were killed by two of them. They were trying to find her when they boarded the plane. Everyone aboard that plane were family of victims of human traffickers. I just found that out. I don't think Elliott knows that though.

This Karen is not going like her life in prison. I guess Kate went through hell living with her. I guess people couldn't tell the difference between the two of them and she ended up arrested for her sisters crimes until her sister got arrested and they realized they had the wrong person when they spotted her demeanor was quite different. She has an evilness aura about her and we don't stay long and for good reasons. The more she spoke the worse it got for her. I don't see how Kate survived all those years with the anti christ. I hugged her after we got to our cars.

Kate is very quiet and I can't get anything out of her. The things that I have heard on the news about Karen Kavanagh her twin sister. I can't say identical because mentally she is nothing like Kate. We were all surprised that she had a twin sister. If we had looked deeper into her background we would have found out things that she didn't want to discuss or known. She had no idea about Ethan. She however was traumatized by her sister and her sister went on to traumatize others. Then she felt what it was like to be traumatized. I had no idea that the plane was carrying members families of human traffickers victims to go pick them up. I just found it out.

Kate can't get over what a monster her sister really is, I think she feels like she could be exactly like her just burying that part deeply inside. I just don't know what is going on in her mind totally at this point. People have been acting odd around me lately. I keep thinking I see my twin but when I look again the person is gone. They never found my sister and the kidnappers were all bogus and trying to get money from my parents. They were informed by the FBI that it was a human trafficking ring that grabbed Amber. My family went through hell and back.

I tell Anastasia that we saw her twin when Karen was arrested. I showed her a photo of Karen Kavanagh tied like a calf and gagged. Then boxes of evidence against her surrounding her. I think she is thinking it over and it has shocked her because no one expected her sister to still be alive. She has heard that people have been seeing a twin of hers. They seem to notice a difference between her and the twin though. I agree there is a difference between them and it is obvious. She is quiet and observant where the twin is quick and she takes care in getting things done. She got the FBI on the scene in no time after the cops arrived. Then she disappeared altogether. Nancy provided me with the video footage from the scene and from several from other angles. We could use the twin Miss Steele on our security teams. What did her parents teach her? I would also say that about the other sister as well.

I can't believe what we found out about the both of the twin sisters. Karen was definitely bad news and Amber was on another level nearing super hero level. I want to learn how she did everything to subdue Karen the monster. Jason told me that she must have lived in states that had cattle ranches for her to learn to do what she did to Karen. I guess it isn't much called for but it seemed needed in Karen's case and after what I heard she can get out of restraints of all kinds. I can't figure out how she would get out these though. But somehow she had been able to loosen them up anyway. By the time they had her behind bars she had freed her ankles.

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