Parting Of The Ways

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I got through all the evidence and handed it over to Elizabeth to give to the prosecutors. I decide to take a job as a flight instructor for planes, helicopters and gliders. Apparently they are short staffed and need someone with my training. Skydiving is not something I want to train nervous Nellie's to do. I end up bruised by the time we get down to earth. One pervert wanted to have sex with me on the way to earth. He was willing to pay me very well and I told him that I am not a prostitute and told him to go f himself. The idiot found another idiot to accomplish this feat, but it ended disastrously. He lived and so did she, but surgery was needed on both of them at the same time on the same table. They now have rules that no trainers will let anyone attempt sex during their descension to earth. They have caught all of the people who worked with Elena and Jack. Apparently a lot of well heeled people went to Elena's businesses.

I can't believe my mom and sister was that close to a human trafficker much less head of an organization that sold people and laundered money. Who knows what else that they did. I know human traffickers are everywhere in the world but for them to get this close to my mom and my sister is scary. Jack Hyde was part of the ring and he was hitting on Mia, thank God she sensed he was not to be trusted. She started bringing her security with her everywhere she could we even got her more female security as well as mom. Dad and Jason insisted they both have extra security and female ones. Elena Lincoln had tried to get Mia to go see Jack Hyde about head shots to be a model. She took the card but never followed through. We all talked her out of it and encouraged her in her culinary skills. I have noticed that there has been a helicopter flying overhead and landing on the helipad on the roof. Jason says it is one of the tenants on the fifteenth floor. Apparently she likes to joy ride in it and takes her friend out to teach her how to fly. Mia has enlisted me and Elliott into helping her purchase the other apartment on the first floor and combining the two apartments together. As the owner of the building I have to approve of any changes that are made and Elliott is the best option to do the work and he loves the idea he can be close by to Kate Kavanagh so he can make up with her, so far she has given him a cold shoulder that can freeze Hawaii. I got a glimpse of the Mighty Mouse she lives with. I caught her kick the bag in the gym. She's the pilot. She doesn't talk much at all.

I finally got the old couple to agree to the purchase price for their apartment. Then I dragged Elliott and Christian to go over what I want and what can be accomplished with all the building codes and permits for this and that and they explain to me about walls that can't be taken down because it would cause huge issues to the building blah blah and so on. Then they remind they are called load bearing walls. Finally they showed me what areas that were available to change. It took a month to get it the way I wanted it and the way the building permits and codes would allow. I was able to get both apartments for the price of one because I had cash, my brother's cash and expertise lol. I am after all their precious little sister. Mom and dad have made me sign a contract to pay them back though. I have to work my way up at Christian's restaurant and he is serious. My fellow co workers know that I don't get special treatment at all. Occasionally I get to show off my skills. My place is done within four months and I invite everyone to my housewarming. Gail and Jason got me a lot of good gifts. She brought some of her secret recipes along with the cooked dishes they went to. Now if I can get the rest of her tricks. Jason told me not to hold my breath because she refused to even let him have them. I met Kate Kavanagh and Anastasia Steele from the fifteenth floor. I can't seem to get a tour of the whole place, Anastasia has a way about her, it's like she is two people. Quiet and reserved and very smart and capable of everything she puts her mind to.

I have three students who are really doing a great job. I have rented the equipment to train the students and put the word out that I am training to fly gliders, helicopters and planes. Kate has been getting better and wants to land on the helipad on the roof, but she isn't experienced enough.

Mia has invited Anastasia and Zi to her home warming party. Elliott is going to be there and I am not sure if I want to see him. I guess since Anastasia is joining the party I can just stick with her.

I watch as Kate walks in with her roommate walking alongside her. She put down her present for Mia and hugs Mia and my parents. Things turned out better than I hoped and the colors are amazing. We check out the latest photos and her new sofas and knickknacks. I love her office setup but not the colors. I decided to order a few in manly colors. Her security office was upgraded and her safe room is amazing. She gets a few stragglers looking for Jack Hyde on occasion. Security handles them and informs them that Hyde no longer lives there. 

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