First Birthday

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There is one thing that Connor's parents wanted him to have was his birthday party at a kids restaurant. I invited a few children his age along with their parents. Sarah knew them from the park. Of course background checks were done. We get all the allergy information from the parents and take epi pens along with us. I am ready and I get the security that are kid friendly to go along with us. Almost all are kid friendly, some just don't want to be responsible for a protecting a baby or child. I have a few that have asked not to be put on as Connor's security. Others wanted to because they like the idea they can pick him up and run with him while everyone is covering their backs.

I went along with Anastasia and Elliott wanted to give a gift to Connor of course Elliott is just a big child at heart. I guess he played with him when Sarah visited Thomas Sawyer. Her boyfriend at this point. We speak to each other but that is the extent of it. I got a very strange call from Kavanagh Media yesterday about an attorney by the name of Kavanagh who said he is my brother. He is flying out to Seattle to do a DNA test. He just had someone send me the message and he expects me to be willing to take the test. If not he will take me to court. This has to be about money. I got the message just before we left for the birthday party.

Thomas helped get Connor ready for his party and Anastasia went to set everything up. I don't think Kate is in a good mood after she got off the phone with her company. We finally get to the restaurant and it is running wild with children. I think she called an attorney right after the call. She was walking back and forth in the kitchen is why I heard some of her conversation, she does that a lot. She pulled the cake out and got the candles and her gift to Connor. I am amazed that he is a year old at this point. Anastasia leaves the room when she gets phone calls and she seems to disappear and no one can locate her until we call her phone, suddenly she appears. I don't think I want to know and Thomas told me it's best not to ask her if she doesn't volunteer anything.

I am thinking of asking Sarah to marry me today. We will remember it and Connor's birthday. I have the ring that my grandmother gave me to propose with just before she died. She met Sarah and told her to marry me because I was all alone after her soul left her body. I wasn't sure then about marrying anyone yet, but Sarah was the only one I took to meet my grandmother. I know she loves children and has been a nanny for a while. She has traveled the world with her last charges. With Anastasia she is guaranteed to be in Seattle and only travel when absolutely necessary. It hasn't been yet. She doesn't tell me much about what goes on on the fifteenth floor. We finally make it to the party and everything is set up and kids are running everywhere and playing games. Connor really has no idea it's his birthday.

I take Connor from Sarah and play with him while the cake is placed in front of him with the number one candle lit to be blown out. We blow it out after he just watches us sing happy birthday. Anastasia hands him a tiny cupcake and passes the mini cupcakes to the parents of the other toddlers. Connor knew how to eat his. Then we eat the big cake and everyone watches as presents are opened by Connor and Anastasia. Mostly educational toys and of course a train set from me. Kate and I finally chat about different things. She has written a couple of children's books that help children understand not to trust strangers. I thought they would have some kind message that all strangers are not to be trusted, but they don't.

Suddenly Anastasia has Sarah keep a close eye on Connor and has security close ranks around the party table where they are. She disappears into the crowd of people and I see her head towards a couple who are standing where I can tell they are a male and female. Soon Anastasia is back and has security follow her to the couple. They are hidden behind a game at this point. I can't seem to get a good look at them. I noticed she took the diaper bag and a bag that I hadn't noticed was given to her and she walks back without the security team and no Connor. She says nothing and I can see tears in her eyes though. She pays for everything including extra tokens and leaves with two other security guards.

I received a phone call from Colleen and Brian about picking Connor up and on his first birthday at a restaurant they knew would be a safe place to make it safe for everyone concerned. I really didn't like it so I added security to the regular teams for this occasion. I am glad that I only had guardianship of Connor after I found out they were still alive a month ago. They miss Connor very badly and set this all up. Now that he is older they want him back. It was hard to give him back to them, but they are his parents. At first he was hesitant to go to them, but they had his favorite stuffed helicopter. Soon they left with him and my security followed them out and assured they were safe. They left very quickly. I tried to give them his birthday presents but they couldn't take them with them. I assured Sarah that she would definitely have job with me until she retired.

We wrap everything up and gather all the gifts and I can't stop crying, but I knew this day might come. We gather up the presents and Anastasia has assured me that I will have a job. She gave me the job of household manager. We placed the presents and everything of Connors in his room and closed the door. I left the monitor on for some strange reason. I cried like he was my own child.

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