The Survivor

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Anastasia had just found out about our baby a week before the wreck. I am holding my son Theodore Raymond Grey in my arms as Anastasia is sleeping after being in labor for such a long time. We were worried about him after everything Anastasia went through in his early stages. Anastasia made sure that we took more precautions after that incident. Amelia was finally released after a month. We got lucky that nothing affected our son. We call him and Amelia survivors, but the real survivor is Anastasia. I am blessed to have her in my life because she makes life so much better for those who have the privilege of knowing her. Gideon offered a huge settlement to all of Irelands victims. Theodore has a nice trust fund from the Cross family. Amber actually gave it to us in Seattle and she and Ross were happy to handle it for Gideon. Apparently Gideon was asked to take time off and allow Ross and Amber to run Cross industries. Amber had changed quite a lot since we last had contact with her, probably because Ross is fully healed and they both have huge smiles on their faces. I decided not to ask any questions, Anastasia got a nice settlement as well, I guess Irelands trust fund and life insurance and auto insurance covered everything. Mia is thrilled as well and Amelia has a huge trust fund as well. Mia bought her own restaurant and doing well for a new place. Ethan and I got a settlement as well.

We got really lucky and Theodore wasn't harmed by any meds or the accident and of course the blood loss. Theodore looks like both of us, Amber was very congenial the last time we saw her and she handed us the money for all the settlements at the same time. Mia and Ethan were really happy, well at least I thought they were. Apparently Ethan threw a huge fit when Mia used her settlement to buy a restaurant. They fought over it regularly and soon he was moving into a cheap apartment. Grace didn't like his attitude about Mia working and she voiced her concerns about it. She stopped talking about it because she wanted Mia to make her own mind up. Well she did and Ethan was mad because she chose to own her own business. Christian has been doting over his son and has learned to change him and feed him. Everyone has been by to see me, including Leila and Frederick and they have adopted a few children from the streets. They became orphans and went to find Leila. Their parents were killed in a bus crash. Julie, James and Dimitri knew how to find Leila if they needed help. I got Carrick to help with the adoption documents and soon they were officially Leila and Fredericks children. They had no family members all three were close in age and good friends. I hope she doesn't go through what I did with the children I took in. I gifted them money for their bedrooms for the children. Leila is doing great at her company and has been able to expand and hire managers to handle a lot of the events.

Anastasia is definitely going to be happy when she sees what I have in store for her when she visits the buildings that she bought for us. It was great that she is doing so well after everything she went through. I show her the pictures of the children that she is helping us adopt. Her father in law is very kind and her mother in law has volunteered to help in the clinic. Mr Grey has volunteered some time to help out with legal things for the homeless.

We get in and get out and go do a few errands and to deliver things to people. Anastasia definitely helped us out and it is great, but I sometimes feel uncomfortable about being given things and money and Leila knows this. She tells me that it all comes from a good heart. Plus most of it is to help the homeless people get a better life. We have a great life ourselves and Leila has helped so many people and it makes us feel very good about life knowing we can do it. So what if we get some help from friends in accomplishing our goals. We don't take advantage of Anastasia ever. She gives from her heart and expects nothing in return.

Ethan and I are seeing a marriage counselor and it is going to be a long haul. I held Teddy today and he looks like both his parents. My restaurant is doing great and Leila has found a few people who know how to cook extremely well. Of course they were homeless at one point but she has helped them become more than homeless and have been trained very well. I hired them and all new employees are on a probationary period. So far they have excelled in their work and food menus. Found a pastry chef that made a fantastic wedding cake as an example of what they could accomplish. So I started doing wedding cakes by appointment only. Word got around and I had Elliott find me a building to open up a bakery for the wedding cakes and other deserts.

I am trying not to be such a sexist pig to Mia and to the other women in my life. Amelia should have the same respect that males do and she should be able to decide to work after having married and giving birth. The therapist has opened up my eyes to see that I was wrong and soon I am hoping to move back into our home and be with my wife and child. Amelia started walking already and she is chattering away as well. I hope that she records the walking and talking for me to see it myself.

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