Hidden Files

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I have opened up the files and checked the photos and I look at the cctv footage of all activity around Escala in the last six months. I catch a clear photo of everything and everyone. I finally catch site of one of the subjects. I check reports and right now there are no hard and true facts. I then open my cover files. Kate knocks on my door and I close the files and tell her to come in as I open my photography files. Kate has invited Elliott and Thomas to dinner. I am too busy working on my computer to entertain anyone and tell her that. She understands and calls Thomas about my not being available to be a fourth. I go to my hidden room and check out all my gear, I need new bulletproof outfits, found someone who can make beautiful gowns that are bulletproof and can hide weapons in just the right way. Don't get me started on the handbags that can hide numerous passports and IDs easily.

I go down to work out in the gym. My workout equipment hasn't arrived. I push myself getting ready for a match with my new instructor. After a nice swim I shower and head back to my place. I go to bed early and I hear Kate and Elliott on the cctv monitor. I can't do it, after New York they have no inhibitions at all.

Elliott and I ended up going out to dinner and the dancing. We are ready to hit the sheets when we get back to the apartment. I am sure the cctv cameras are on so I move us into my bedroom. I am pulling Elliott's clothing off and he is taking mine off. Soon we are enjoying every inch of each others bodies. I missed this with him. I missed him period.

I could have easily just took her to bed and showed her how much I missed her. She was still in college back then and she met her new friend and dorm mate at the settlement hearings. It was a coincidence upon coincidence that they ended up at the same college and same dorm and then the same dormitory. If it sounds too good to be true it most likely isn't true. Someone was pulling the puppet strings in that situation. I think I was a wild card, but the more I thought about them being here in Seattle I think it is just too many coincidences for my taste. Dad, grandpa Theo and Christian think that as well. Jason has decided to run background checks and the girls are who they say they are. Both have martial arts training, fire arms training and culinary training along with some heavy duty courses in foreign languages. Both have taken courses in what they want to do for a living. Kate is a journalist and Anastasia has photography, animation, filmography and her abilities in sketching and painting is amazing. She sold works to pay for her hotel room during her time in New York. I think they are fighting for the estates still.

I knew that Anastasia would back out of the dinner, I really think it was Kate trying to set us up. I was relieved actually because one look at my face would tell her I know more about her than I should. Not long after they moved in a helicopter landed on the helipad and apparently Anastasia flew it somewhere and came back in a military looking vehicle. She parked it in the 15th floor parking area. The next day the slots to the 15 th floor parking was completely filled. I checked the license plates and was dumbfounded that they were not missing Steele's or miss Kavanaugh's cars. I then noticed that people came out of the elevators and started driving the cars out of the garage. There were only four spots filled. A motorcycle was sitting there and its sidecar and luggage carrier. I don't see Kate operating a motorcycle. It is a nice motorcycle. Kate's convertible was sitting next to the motorcycle, a strange looking car was next to the motorcycle and then the military looking vehicle and the bullet proof monster was in the first slot. I have been keeping apprised of Anastasia and her coming and goings.

I finally had the helicopter moved to Seattle after getting it ready to move it. Soon I am made aware it is on the roof. I get dressed for work and head to fly to an isolated air field so that I can fly the airplane as well. Soon they are put in the hangars. I check the updates on security and see if they are working properly. The place looks like it is abandoned but it is far from it. Only certain people know about this landing strip. You need special clearance to land here.

Anastasia had people over for a meeting, I don't know how they got in or even how they left, I just caught one in the kitchen getting something to eat and drink and they left. They did clean up after themselves though. I don't think I can even describe the person or what sex the person was. Things like this happened in the dorm room, but they left once I arrived home and Anastasia went with them. She would be gone for days, but all her work was turned in. She even passed the tests. Her professors would actually drop off her assignments. I don't think they ever did that any of their other students. She told me that she never asked them to do it to begin with. Then I started realizing that the people weren't professors at our college at all. I gave her the envelopes and she never opened them. She destroyed them somehow. She told me to stop taking envelopes from strangers and left it at that. The look she had when the package was mailed to her by her parents. Her parents were dead and she got the package and ran like hell and I noticed her clothing was like after a bomb went off near you. It was strange. I decided to never take anything from strangers for Anastasia.

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