The Wedding

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I am nervous about getting married, but I am surrounded by loved ones. Anastasia has decided to allow me and Thomas to adopt Connor. I was thrilled and Thomas was very happy to have him as his son. It wasn't that Anastasia didn't love him it was that she felt he needed a mother and a father. Plus he knows both of us well and he had started calling me mamma and Thomas dada. We spent a lot of time with him and Anastasia decided it was for the best that we adopt him because he would have a very happy stable home with us. She couldn't guarantee he would have that with just her alone. So today he becomes our ring bearer and our son. Thomas and I have bought a home and our things are already moved in to it. Everyone has been quite generous with presents. Elliott wants to visit Connor which is great. He has volunteered to keep him while we go on our honeymoon. I think Kate wants to help him in caring for Connor and it shocked all of us. My son and I love that he is my son and Thomas's son as well. Anastasia will be aunt Ana always.

Connor has the pillow with the rings on them beside his little train box. It's for the rings, but we were given it by Elliott. He created it for this occasion for Connor to have to recall his part in the wedding. He is ready to move into our new house because he wants a puppy. He is too young for one at this point. Kate and Elliott will be getting things settled and unpacked in the house with Sarah's complete instructions. Everyone is going to go over and get things done while we go on our honeymoon. Connor has fell asleep during our dance. Elliott has him in his arms and dancing with Kate. I think he is trying to tell her something. I am betting he is next in line to marry and have a baby.

It is great to see these two married and adopted Connor, I know Anastasia loved the boy and still does, but after everything she knew he would be better off with Sarah and Thomas. It takes a grown up to put aside her own feelings and think about what is best for a child and others. I have to say I am stunned that Kate and Elliott are taking care of him while they are gone on their honeymoon. I doubt they will be gone the full month. They signed the final adoption papers today and this is his grandmothers birthday and the day she died two years ago. So they are going to recall everything along with celebrating several things.

Sometimes it's hard to let go, but Anastasia made a choice out of love for Connor and she still will see him. Thomas and Sarah have became family to all of us and they will always be. Even the Grey family have been pulled in by this charming little boy. Sarah took care of him 60% of the time and knew all his little quirks. We missed him during his time with those strangers.

I can't believe that I am here watching this wedding and the final adoption forms. I saw the suit and the train ring box that Elliot created for Connor so he could give his parents rings to them. Elliott helped him get to the alter. Kate has a huge smile on her face. Ethan has been invited by Mia as her plus one. Me I was coming with someone but he cancelled. I was glad he did because he was annoying. It was like I was dealing with a child in an adult body. Jose Rodriquez was and always has been a player. This is what his wife told me when she discovered he was cheating on her because his girlfriend called her and told her that he was cheating on her. Thank goodness I did take him seriously about dating him. He just needed an introduction to the Grey family at the wedding and I finally agreed to help him meet them. I met his wife and she told me everything and I told her that there was nothing going on between us and there never was because he had a reputation as a player. Plus I saw the place where he had taken off his wedding band. He had never been to Escala and he was only a delivery driver who was looking to get hired by the Grey brothers and didn't matter which one. Marissa told me exactly why he wanted to be hired by them. I gave them both a heads up that he was going to try to embezzle from them. Now he has undercover security watching his every move. Marissa took little Joe and left Jose to his girlfriend Alisha Ramos. Sadly he cheated on her as well.

I am starting to like Ethan Kavanagh more and more, but he has a life in New York. Kate and he are getting to know each other after all the years he was living with their aunt the kidnapper. He decided to stay around and open an office here after he passed the bar here.

I came to meet Kate and get tested to see if we were truly siblings. We are and my aunt kept me from my parents and my sister until she died. I was taken from the nursery right after my birth. My aunt had just miscarried and she told everyone I was a home birth and had a doctor examine her and me and then circumcised me and wrote out the birth certificate. He did a D and C on her once they took us to the hospital. He failed to do a thorough examination on her. If he had he would have realized she had miscarried.

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