A Missing Child?

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There are days when you just know that there's something brewing and it's not a good cup of coffee. A feeling came across me and I finally got a book published, it was a child's book. I don't know why I chose to write a children's book. Anastasia helped me with everything on it. She did a few things that made me laugh and each graphic had my name embedded into them. At first she drew turtles, frogs and mice. We went with rabbits, squirrels and butterflies. Sometimes I just think my luck is all bad. Normally Anastasia would be the first one to leave the apartment and the parking garage, but today of all days she has been throwing up. I know she isn't pregnant because I asked her. She apparently went out with friends and all of them had food that didn't agree with them. She told me the restaurant's name and I decided to steer clear of the place. She's had to reschedule all her training classes for a week. Clients were unhappy, but she got a backup trainer to take their lessons even though she was so ill she couldn't sit up. They all were disappointed it wasn't her, but they loved the replacement trainer. She found another trainer who was a female instructor and hopes she doesn't lose her clients to her. Anyway I am sitting in the police station holding the little boy that someone left sitting in front of Anastasia's car in a baby car seat. I can't believe that they left a note for Anastasia. The cops insisted on talking to Anastasia about the note. So I called her and she dragged herself down to the police station. It turns out she knew the parents of Connor Simon McNamara, Colleen and Brian McNamara would never have left their baby there unless they were in dire straits. She was getting weaker by the moment and we had some need of an attorney to help her get the baby back in order to do as the parents asked.

I can't believe Colleen and Brian McNamara had a baby boy. He looks just like his parents and has the curly auburn hair and blue eyes. He is definitely their child, now I have to call their attorney to get him to the police station. Of course it is Carrick Grey. We need everything for this child, so I call the head of my security and have things arranged for Connor to stay in my guest room. Carrick brings his files to get things done and now I am helped to Kate's car and my security is taking the baby in my car. Supplies have been bought for the baby. Kate is going to go crazy with a baby in our home. I have to hire someone I trust to care for my new son, but I need to find out what happed to his parents that they were so desperate they left him alone in front of my car. The video shows nothing but I didn't expect it to. Two ambulances were shown close to the garage entrance, but there were no ambulances sent out from anywhere. I went and investigated the area and spotted something that my friends must have left. I made sure no one saw me pick it up. It matched the dirt where it was lying and pushed the flowers enough to grab it. I took it to my hidden room. There are things in the bag that I need to investigate. Alas right now I need to get well and take care of a baby. Gail is someone that might know a person I can trust to take care of Connor.

I can't believe that someone left this baby boy in the garage and no videos could be found of it. However ambulances seem to take two people away and there were no ambulance runs to outside our building. No sirens were heard and the ambulances were gone in a flash. It all happened so fast that we failed to notice that they had no license plate or numbers. It was like they had been made to look like an ambulance. I found a trust worthy woman Sarah McDougal had just been given her notice after her charges turned into ten year olds. She kept them for ten years and of course the family no longer needed her.

Sarah McDougal
I met Kate Kavanagh first and she gave me the typical questions, then I met Anastasia Steele and Connor. Anastasia asked more probing questions and she read off my background checks and decided to hire me full time and gave me my own apartment by the security teams. She told me that I have a job until I retire at 65. I am only 32 years old so I agreed to it because the salary is great. She even told me she would help me get my pilots license because I showed an interest in flying a plane. I was moved in within three days and I had to meet all the security teams. Gail was the one who helped me get this position and I sent her a gift. I have noticed that Connor is a good baby and he seems to adjust to changes very well. Of course supplies are very handy for Connor. There's a baby monitor and a cctv camera as well. He is watched day and night. Thomas Sawyer has asked me out and I chose to go. Our schedules are hectic at best. He is two years older than I am and keeps in great shape, but so do I. I am told not to go anywhere without two security personnel at all times. I soon found out why. I was walking Connor when someone tried to grab him from me. The security guards were able to stop them kidnapping Connor. He was crying when he sensed the danger and bit whoever it was that tried to remove him from my care.

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