Party Animals

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I like being part of this family even though we are employees. Jason is relaxing and Thomas is working along with several other bodyguards. I brought some of my specialty items and a few recipes for Mia. I doubt she can make them as well as I can. She might have graduated from culinary school but her cooking is not the best. That's why she is a trainee in the kitchen at Christian's Mile High Club. She comes up to learn from me which is a good idea and mr Grey pays me to teach her how to cook regular food. I finally got to meet Anastasia Steele and Jason is right she looks exactly like Carla. They talk guns and armor and then her being a pilot. Apparently Jason and Thomas knew her dead parents. The contrast between Kate Kavanagh blows my mind until I find out how they met . They met at the settlement hearing of the plane crash. Elliott met Kate there as well, his employees were on the same flight.

Christian seems to have an interest in Anastasia but neither really have said much to anyone else. I think they are both thinking about other things at this point. Mia has really gone all out with her brother's help. Thomas and Barney have helped get all her security systems updated and everything else it is like a smart home at this point. They created a way into her apartment that prevented people from going straight to her apartment doors. They had to go through a security guard in an office with bulletproof glass and reinforced doors. She is definitely safe there now and she has staff quarters for her security. Gail helped her get a few staff members to help clean and cook.

I had invited Barney and he brought Cara his wife, I had no idea the tattoo on his ring finger was signifying his being married until I saw the matching tattoo on Cara his wife of 5 years. We really didn't talk much, well he didn't say much because he was working. Christian told me to let the man do his job. All the staff at GEH drooled over Barney and now I know why he paid them no mind. Cara is an attorney and they met when they ordered the same food at deli and it got mixed up and returned due to them getting the wrong cookie. They started dating shortly after that according to Christian. I guess he was invited to the wedding and was the best man. I guess if you are the best man you most likely would be invited to the wedding. I also like Thomas Sawyer, but he doesn't date the people he might guard. Mom wants to set me up and dad wants me to achieve something more than spending my brother's and their money. He wants me to reach my goals of owning my own business like my brothers and not to depend on anyone else for anything. He has witnessed women depending on someone for their needs and to be left with nothing and living on the street. Anything can and does happen according to him. Mom says the same thing as well. Right now I am enjoying my new place and my brother is making sure I am safe. I have been told that I am to stay away from dating his employees and Elliott has told me the same thing. Mom and dad however want to set me up with young men they know are single. Anastasia and Kate have taken me out to places they hang out.

I can't seem to get Kate to talk to me and it doesn't help her mousy friend keeps running interference for her. I guess ghosting her was a very bad idea. I go over to my mom and dad and listen to their conversation about the way Mia set up her furniture. She didn't even talk to me about it. I asked her roommate to leave us alone for a moment and she refused to. They both walked away from me. It's been a long time since we met in New York and she was a college student back then. We met at a bad time for us both, worse for her though. Kate and Anastasia have been talking to others and having fun. Soon her and Anastasia take their leave. Both have things they need to deal with work wise. Mia told me that neither of them are seeing anyone seriously right now. She was surprised that they both came together.

I ignored Elliott the way he ignored me because I don't need his attention anymore. Anastasia made sure that I didn't have to deal with him. We spoke to people we knew from the building and a few people that we were introduced to. Anastasia was her usual shy self until Elliott showed himself. Barney and Cara Miller were busy talking to Anastasia about various things and I couldn't understand their technical talk or their legal concerns over a few new things being brought to markets.

Christian overheard a conversation of myself and the Millers and he disagreed with my point of view. We spoke about things for ten minutes and his mom and dad joined in the conversation. Kate joined us at that point. Jason and Gail joined the conversation. Then Mia joined in as well and my watch alarm went off to remind me to excuse myself so I could get started in a side endeavor.

I finally get to talk to Anastasia and everyone seems to have an opinion on the subject. So I didn't get to talk to her long.everyone joined in and then her watch alarm went off and she excused herself and Kate left with her. Elliott wasn't very happy when Kate left.

I was watching Elliott and Christian drool over Kate and Anastasia nearly the whole gathering. I swear something has happened between Kate and Elliott.

I wished Anastasia would join my firm, but something tell me it would be a waste of my time to ask her to work for me.

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