Chapter 37- Halloween Pranks

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Ruby sighed annoyed as her phone vibrated in her pocket for the hundreth time that night. She took it out of her pocket to see that Ebony had yet again texted her demanding to know what she was doing. It seemed that, no matter how many times she told her girlfriend that she was at a party with her friends, she couldn't stop her from constantly bugging her.

Sipping on her drink, which unfortunately was non-alcoholic, Ruby approached Musa and the Pixies who were surrounding Jolly as she seemed to be performing another card reading to determine their fate.

"What's up Muse?" Ruby greeted throwing her arm around her friends shoulders.

"Hi Ruby. Are you enjoying the party?"

"Not really, no."

"Yeah, it's pretty dead here. Mitzi's friends are really weird."

"At least Kaylus is making it more interesting." Ruby said as her eyes landed on her bonded Pixie.

For the past few hours the little prankster had been playing small pranks on the party guests. She glued someone to a chair, tied other guy's shoelaces, blew up balloons right next to people's ears, you know, those classic pranks. However for the last couple of minutes she's been getting a lot more excited and started putting fake mice in the sandwiches, placing mini electric shockers in the cups and she poured ice cubes into Mitzi's dress. The last one was more of a revenge move than an actual prank.

At the moment, Kaylus was in a corner with the Ghouls, away from prying eyes, except for Musa and Ruby, and they were finishing up a DIY severed human head.

"How did they make that in 10 minutes?" Musa wondered as she watched them put the head inside a flask and carefully, so no one would notice, put the jar in the mini-fridge.

"Muse, I've seen her fill and entire clasroom with cups of water in five mintues. Don't underestimate the Pixie of Pranks." Ruby said laughing.

"Musa, Ruby." Jolly called, flying towards the two girls with a terrified look on her face. "Did you just see some strange girls back there?"

"Relax, Jolly. They're just Mitzi's boring friends with costumes on." Musa said, trying to calm de Pixie. "They think they're so cool."

"We'll soon be facing our doom. I can feel it." 

"Thank God. At least something interesting will happen at this party." Ruby said, rolling her eyes as she placed her drink on a piece of furniture.

"Hungry is what I feel." Musa said and, as if on cue, the doorbell rang. They walked to the door and opened it revealing a very small guy dressed in a spider man costume. "Who are you?"

"Just your friendly neighborhood cake delivery guy. Here you go, enjoy." The man said, handing musa a small rectangular box of pumpkin cakes.


"Of course my dear." A man with a very deep and raspy voice said. Musa and Ruby turned around to lock eyes with Mitzi's friend dressed up as Freddy Krueger. "These are very, very special cakes. Pumpkin cakes made specially for Mitzi's party, want to see?"

"Offer them one." Mitzi demanded, approaching them.

"Which pumpkin would you like? This one here?" The man asked, stabbing a pumpkin with his claw and offering it to them and bursting out into an evil cackle.

"I actually wanted the other one." Ruby provoked, looking at him daringly, unamused by his act. Once again, her phone vibrated in her pocket, but she dindn't check it this time. She knew who it was anyway. "And also bitch, I know you're dressed as Freddy Krueger, but drop that fucking act you're not even good at it." 

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