Chapter 2: Cousins?

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???'s POV:

I feel giddy. Really giddy! LIKE REALLY REALLY GIDDY!! This was the place they'd said he'd be. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I look over to the object next to me. How is he more calm than I am? I internally squeal.

Oh? The door's opening! I'm practically bouncing. EEEEKKK I CAN'T WAIT!! The door opens to reveal a glass of orange juice that looks down at us.

"Nickel?" He asks.

"Yes?" Both me and the other object exclaim.

The orange juice guy shakes his head, confused.

"Let me introduce ourselves. I'm Nickel, and he's Nickel." (pfft this is so silly)

Ok. He looks even more confused. I smile widely at him, hoping he doesn't get suspicious of two objects who look exactly the same. Who cares if all nickels looked the same? Me and Nickel are different in more ways than you can imagine. 

He's a centimeter... FINE... an INCH taller than me.

He's more sarcastic and introverted while I'm more painfully honest and extroverted! 

And we sound different. Ah ha! I shuould tell orange juice guy that.

"I know we look alike, but my voice is higher pitched." I point out, hoping I prevent even more confusion.

He looks a little less confused. 

I clear my throat. "So.... can you let us in?"

"For what?" He aks.

Dam- Darn it! I should've known he'd ask that. I glance at Nickel, who shrugs back at me. Right... who would want to tell him that...  Alright, time to use my amazing cuteness powers!

I bring out my puppy eyes and comically stretch up to his height.

"It's really important, I pwomise!" He starts to flinch. 

Ha! No one can resitst the Nickel Cuteness Power.

"PLEASEEEEE!" I sreech, making my eyes go even wider.

"AGH! No! Not the puppy eyes!" He uses his hand to shield his vision.

My cuteness powers are wavering OH NO!! I signal to Nickel to do the same thing that I'm doing. With a sigh he does the same thing. HAHAHAHA We're even more powerful now!! Eventually he cracks and lets us in.


I can't believe I let two strangers in. Who look EXACTLY like Nickel. Wait... the higher pitched one said they were nickels. Ugh... this is so confusing. 

I lead the armless (im so silly) nickels down the hall and into the living room. We pass by the kitchen, which Paper and Tea Kettle are cleaning up from breakfast.

Paper seems to notice us first. "Hi, OJ! And... Nickel?" He says in that cute voice of his.

I wave to Paper, the nickels just nod. Tea Kettle looks over, confusion written all over her face.

"Hi, hun! And who are these Nickel look alikes?"

"Wow... I thought we looked like dimes." The not high-pitched one sarcastically responds.

TK chuckles. "Just like Nickel!"

The two nickels glance knowingly at each other. ALRIGHT WHY CAN'T I PIECE THIS OUT? I SWEAR SOMEONE IS CONTROLLING-


(anyways back to OJ)

"Alright you can sit on this couch."

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