Chapter 5: Here's the Plan

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Balloon's POV: 

Nicki and Nicks leave again, Nicki telling us that they need to know where they're gonna stay. We wave goodbye.

Nickel looks happier with his cousins. It's nice seeing him without his sarcastic facade. 

Maybe it's a good time to ask him...

"Hey, Nickel," I start. He turns to me, and GOD is he ten times cuter when he's happy.

I clear my throat- WHY DO I CLEAR MY THROAT!! "Umm.. would you like to take a walk with me in the evening?"

Nickel looks surprised, making him even- STOP FOCUSING ON HIM BALLOON!!

"Umm, s-sure!" He responds before looking away from me. I can catch him smiling. 

He stuttered again! I giggle.

"You're cut- uh FUNNY when you stutter." I quickly catch my mistake.

Nickel raises his eyebrows. A smirk then creeps up onto his face.

"Were you about to call me cute?" 

"I- um- NO! Maybe..." I start to blush as I whisper that last part.

Nickel chuckles. "Okay, okay! I totally didn't hear you say maybe."

"Alright, enough! I'm going to my room!"

"You mean our room?" He makes that smirk again. I feel butterflies in my stomach and blush even more.

"Whatever!" I stand up, cross my arms, and walk away.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Nickel responds. I slow my pace, and he matches my steps.

We walk up to the elevator when somehow Nickel trips.

I catch him by the waist (idk how this works :3) before he falls backwards.

We look into each other's eyes. Nickel is blushing madly, and he's becoming hotter (take that however you want). It's not enough to actually hurt my hands, but its still hot.

I feel the urge to lean in and close the gap between us... and I start to do so. I only stop when Nickel exclaims,


I quickly remove my hands from him and we rush inside. Nickel won't look at me and he's still blushing. What did I do?


I almost kissed him.

Nicki's POV: 

"Here's the plan." I say and clear my throat. We're in the room OJ assigned us.

Before I start, Nicks interrupts me.

"You've already gone over what we're gonna do." He rolls his eyes.

"Well it's a bit REVISED!" I say, putting the emphasis on 'revised'.

"Well, so-rry!" He says with sarcasm.

"First, we have to capture Nickel and make him admit his crush." I grin.

Nicks raises a leg. "What if he doesn't admit or tries to run away."

A sly grin forms on my face. "Don't worry." An evil laugh escapes me.

Nicks gives me a dead-pan stare. "Whatever. What's next."

"I was getting to that!" I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, once he admits it, we'll plan some stuff for him and Balloon to do. I've already got a few ideas planned.

"And we'll do it with some of the others here. I'm so smart, incorporating two things into one." I sigh dreamily.

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