Chapter 26: Jealous

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the fact that i woke up to 61 notifications :O

anyways i just wanted to update you all that school is finally over for me! Yippie!

so i have more free time to write, there might be more chapters posted each day if im not busy

enjoy! :D


(author suddenly glitches. no... No..NO... i think i'm losing control)

Wh-What should I do!?

(i...i don't know! i was never programmed to actually feel things)

Wait... programmed? What do you mean you aren't supposed to feel things?

(im not REAL, narrator. im just a code designed for this story. i wasn't meant to love-)

Author? AUTHOR-

Nickel's POV:

I'm bored.

Being injured sucks. Mainly because I can't really do anything. I mean, I like having the attention and all, but I'm stuck here in bed with a sprained ankle and a sore body.

Sometimes I hate my life.

Balloon's out right now, so I really have no one to talk to. I scroll through my phone for a bit, but quickly get bored. I lay on my back and groan. Why does being hurt have to be so boring?

I look to the side and spot a pinkish colored notepad. Isn't that Balloon's? It wouldn't hurt to see what he writes in there... right? I mean, it shouldn't be anything too bad.

I grab the notepad and read some of his poems and stories. They're usually about random things such as a butterfly or the sun, but I've got to admit, Balloon is a good writer.

I flip to the next page, and it has hearts and doodles all around it. I raise my eyebrows and read it. Balloon is writing about... 


Okay, I had no clue that Balloon had a crush on someone. Could it be me- nah it couldn't. Sadly, I think he only sees me as a friend. But then, who could his crush be? This isn't good, cause what if Balloon likes them more than me? UGHHH THIS IS MAKING ME HAVE A WEIRD FEELING.

I hear the door open and I quickly place the notpad away and try to look unsuspicious.

"Hellooo," a familiar voice calls out. "You better not be asleep right now, cause that means I came over here for no reason!"

Of course, it's Nicki. I mean, who else would bother me if they've got nothing to do. I get up from my bed.

"What do you want?" I ask and roll my eyes.

"Someone's a lil' grumpy!" Nicki giggles and climbs onto the bed. "I just wanted to check in on you."

I smile. "Oh, okay! Where's Nicks?"

Nicki thinks for a moment. "I don't know... I last saw him with Balloon."

My blood starts to boil for some reason. Nicks? With Balloon? Since when did those two hang out. Wait... IS NICKS BALLOON'S CRUSH!! AAAAAAA-

"Uhhh, Nick Knack? Are you okay? You're shaking and heating up." Nicki asks, her tone laced with concern.

"I'm... fine!" I take a deep breath. No need to get worked up... for now. "And don't call me Nick Knack."

Nickel and a Reunion [NICKLOON]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora