Chapter 16: Sick

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Narrator POV:

You'll finally let me talk after two chapters? Awww you're so nice.

(you're lucky im even letting you after all the times you've interrupted me)

Anyways... thanks! Really. I appreciate it.

(s-shut up and get to work)

We time skip to the next morning. The shun is shining, flowers are out in bloom; it's a pretty peaceful day! 

In their bedrooms, Nickel and Balloon are soundly asleep. Well, at least Balloon is. And Nickel.....

Nickel's POV:

Ugh. I scrunch my eyes as light hits me. Great, now I'm awake. 

I'm usually grumpy in the mornings, but today, it's for a  different reason.

For one, my head hurts. When does my head ever hurt? Never. So why does it? Was it because I was outside for a long time? Anyways, that's not the point.

Secondly, my throat is sore. Uhhhh... I think I drank enough water. I don't know much about health and stuff, but water is good for you.

Third, I'm cold. And hurting. I don't want to get up at all. I dive under the covers in an effort to get warm. The throbbing in my head is killing me, and now I'm starting to cough.

 UGHHH what's wrong with me? 

I poke my head out and sigh. I soon cough again, and this time I sneeze. I probably have a cold or something. 

Wait- all this noise might wake up-

Balloon stirs and looks over at me. He looks concerned. 

"Hey, Nickel. Are you okay?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm fine." I answer before another cough takes over. I groan and throw my face into my pillows. I am definitely not okay.

Before I know it, Balloon picks my head up and puts his hand on my forehead. I'm too drowsy to even process how close he is to my face again. I blink lazily as he recoils, wrenching both hands from me. I fall on my back and look at the cieling.

"Ouch. You're hot." He hisses, holding his right hand with his left.

"Thanks." I say, thinking of it the other way.

Balloon flushes a deep shade of red. "Not like that!" He shakes his hand. The pain must be ebbing. "Anyways, it looks like you're sick."

"Me? Sick?" I say, then cough again. Balloon gives me a dead-pan stare. "Okay, maybe I am a little sick." (sick nickel is my life)

Balloon gives me a bottle of water and tells me to rest. He grabs a wet cloth and places it on my head. I stare at him the entire time, a weak smile forming on my face. He smiles back at me.

"I'll go get Soap. She'll know what to do." Balloon says. He waves to me before he leaves.

I sink back into my bed, groaning. My whole body hurts, and even I can feel my heat radiating off me. I absolutely HATE being sick. I feel like I can't do anything without someone's help, and I hate that feeling. I cough again. Ugh.... I just want to go to sleep.

A loud bang on the door doesn't help my case. I groan even louder, inching bit by bit to the edge of my bed. Do I really have to get up....

"NICKEL ARE YOU IN THERE?" I hear a loud voice scream. Nicki. 

She bangs on the door louder. "I SWEAR IF YOU'RE IN THERE-"

The door breaks and I painfully turn to see Nicki, who's frozen in shock. She finally noticed how sick I was.

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