Chapter 6: Fields and Feelings

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Nickel's POV:

I quickly run over to the kitchen. He's not there. UGH WHERE COULD BALLOON BE?? Hopefully he didn't go looking for me. I run over to the elevator and press the button, but I'm not in the mood to wait, so I rush up the stairs.

By the time I make it to our floor, I'm WAY out of breath.Our room is on like- the fourth floor! I jad to run up that many stairs! 

I trudge over to the door and open it. Balloon is on his bed, writing in his diary again. Oh good. If he wasn't here, I'd be worr- CONFUSED. 

"Oh..." I pant, "there you are."

Balloon looks up from what he was writing at the sound of my voice. He looks a bit concerned. 

"Nickel!" He exclaims and runs up towards me. "What happened? Are you okay? Were you running?" He puts a hand on my head and another on my side.

My head is filled up with thoughts about Balloon that I can't even make a sarcastic response.

"I'm fine..." I manage to muster out. I stare into Balloon's pretty eyes... NO STOP BEING SAPPY NICKEL (hehehe stop going back into denial).

Balloon seems a little less worried. We stare at each other for a little while... Balloon's just so AGH NO STOP HEART!! Luckily he realizes he still has his hands on me and quickly backs up, blushing and mumbling a sorry. 

He then regains his composure. "What actually happened?"

"Oh, nothing much. Nicki and Nicks just wanted to mess with me." I roll my eyes. I wonder what they are planning now.

Balloon gives that cute little giggle that makes my insides feel weird. But I don't blush this time. I'm keeping that under control. 

"Oh, right!" I remember  the offer he made. "Are you still up for that walk?"

Balloon beams. "Yeah!"

I grin. Balloon goes to get our phones. While he's bringing it back, he somehow trips and the phones fly in the air. With my amazing catching skills, I catch the two devices before they fall and break (they land on his head guys).

"Sorry!" Balloon exclaims and grabs his phone.

"You're fine."

We walk out of our room together.

Balloon's POV:

Soon, Nickel and I are walking outside the hotel.

"Uh, Balloon? Where are we going?" Nickel asks.

"It's a surprise!" I say, and Nickel rolls his eyes.

"I don't like surprises."

We walk for a little longer until we enter the forest. I tell Nickel to stay close by cause the path has a lot of twists and turns, and in return, he gives a sarcastic remark.

Only when we're halfway there I realize that Nickel is struggling to get over some stuff becuase of how short he is. Oh, and he doesn't have any arms. I find that cute... even though I rezlly shouldn't . 

"Are you doing okay back there, bud?" I question.

"Doing peachy!" Nickel responds through gritted teeth.

"Here, lemme help." I pick up Nickel and place him next to me. He pouts. HE CAN BE SO CUTE AT TIMES MY HEART IS GONNA MELT AAGHHH!!

Finally, I spot a light. We're here. Nickel steps out of the bushes, and he is amazed. He 'woahs' softly. I can understand why. This place is truly beautiful. There are flowers blooming, everything looks just in place, and it's secluded.

Nickel and a Reunion [NICKLOON]Where stories live. Discover now