Chapter 4: New Faces

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Nicki's POV:

Nicks and I walk down the hall. I blab some nonsense of my 'Nicki's Totally Awesome Romance Thingy' list to him (how she holds it and walks at the same time? idk). My brother doesn't seem to mind. 

"In order to even start this whole 'getting my cousin hooked up with his crush', I need that stubborn little 5 cent coin to actually admit that he has a crush on Balloon." I say, thinking of ways to make my cousin admit his... feelings. None of us were good at that so....

"And how are you going to get him to admit this?" Nicks asks.

"I DON'T KNOW!" I shout. I realize my mistake. "Whoops! Sorry!"

Nicks shrugs. "No probs. I do the same also."

"And that's why you're my brother." I turn and grin at him as he gives me an eyeroll.

Since I wasn't looking, I bump into someone.

"Golly!" I look up to see a test tube wearing glasses (yes i headcanon that test tube wears spare glasses).

"Oh hello, Nickel. I didn't know you were into dressing up." The test tube exclaims, pushing up her glasses.

"I'm not Nickel," I exclaim, "Well.. I am, but... I'M NOT NICKEL!" I repeat louder this time.

The test tube girl is confused. Seems to be a recurring thing that goes on.

I sigh. "We're Nickel's cousins."

"Ah. That makes a lot more sense." Test tube girl hums. "I'm Test Tube, and you are?"

"I'm Nicki, and the guy who looks just like me is Nicks." 

"Well, nice to meet you two! I'm guessing you've already met up with our Nickel, huh?"

"Mhm!" I nod. "And his 'friend' Balloon too." I say, hoping i didn't emphasize 'friend' too much.

"Friend?" Test Tube looks a bit concerned. "Are they bickering again?"

Again? Okay, now I'm the one confused. What do I not know between Nickel and Balloon? I look back at Nicks- he gives me a shrug. VERY HELPFUL!!!

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"Golly! It's not my place to tell... it would be better if you talk to Nickel about this."

Alright. I REALLY need to know what happened.

"Okay! Thanks anyways!" I force a smile.

"No problem! Oh, amd are you guys staying?" We nod. 

"Great! That means I have time..." She walks past my ear range.

Odd. What was she going to say? I give another sigh.

"Alright Nicks, we're actually going to the kitchen this time."

He tries to speak, but I prevent him from doing so.

"I'm actually kinda hungry, and to think best, I need to refill my energy!"

Nicks grumbles, but he follows me towards the kitchen.

*A few moments later*

"Ooh! Lemme grab another pack of cookies!" I grab the pack and throw it down the Nicks.

"HEY! Watch where you're throwing! Plus, I can't hold this all!" He retorts back at me. Right... he's already holding a bunch of other snacks.

"Sorry!" I mumble as I close the drawer. I'm about to hop down the counter, but then I hear two voices come closer.

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