Chapter 3: A Whole Lot of Explaining

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HEY GUYSSSSS guess who it is hehehehehehehehehheehhehehe

so.... im actually gonna try to draw these silly objects (ive never drawn objects before but who cares)

once i finish ill put it at the bottom of this chapter!


Narrator POV:

"WHAT?" Is the first thing you hear. The earth comically shakes.

We zoom into Hotel OJ, where Nickel reunites with his cousins.

Nickel rolls his eyes. "What else would you think?"

"That... suddenly makes a lot more sense." OJ admits.

The high-pitched Nickel leans against her cousin (a form of hugging cuz they're armless), rambling on about how happy she was to see him. Nickel laughs as he answers some of her questions. No one has really ever seen Nickel this happy. These three seemed to be really close.

Balloon then perks up. "Um... so... do you have any other relatives?"

The three Nickels look at each other, before the high-pitched Nickel comically drags the screen down and changes the scene to a classroom.

"Alright! Let me explain the Coin Family!" She gets in front of a whiteboard with a family tree on it.

"Every coin is related in some way. Pennies are our first cousins, and Dimes are our second cousins." She says, pointing to each one.

"Quarters are our second cousin, twice removed, and..." She goes on with some of the others before peering in closely at one of them.

"Ugh! The HORROR! One dollar coins..." She sighs.

"Probably a distant cousin of a distant cousin. Oh and all the other coins at the top... don't bother with them. Even we don't know how we're related to them. Got all that down?"

We see OJ, Paper, and Balloon sitting at desks, nodding.

The scene then changes back to the couch. 

"And that's how we're all related! But different coins can't get near each other or..."

All three Nickels shudder. (the horror... INFINITE MONEY MWAHAHHA)

"So.. umm... yeah! That's it!" The high-pitched Nickel grins.

OJ nods. "We'll leave you three be to catch up. Will you be staying here?"

The cousins nod. Nickel's eyes light up.

OJ and Paper wave goodbye and walk off. Balloon turns to go as well, but Nickel runs up and stops him.

"I want them to meet you." He says sort of shyly, starting to blush.

Balloon smiles warmly at the nickel, noticing his slight blush. It was... cute. He wasn't really denying it this time.

"Hey, cousins! This is my close friend, Balloon!" Nickel seems proud, making the balloon blush a bit.

"Hi there!" Balloon waves.


Nickel's POV:

I can't believe it! My cousins are here! I haven't seem them in forever and I wonder how they are doing. Us three and Balloon are sitting on the couch, talking about random facts.

"...and like, we used our Nickel Cuteness Powers on him, and he had to let us in. It was so funny!" The high-pitched Nickel goes into a burst of fits.

"Everyone kept staring at us weirdly also! So me and Nickel here decided to play around with them for a bit."

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