Chapter 14: A Not-Date

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Narrator POV:

Wow! You're actually letting me speak!

(yeah... i felt kinda bad after what we talked about last chapter...)

Awww... you're such a sweetheart...


Ahem. Right. You got it boss! (shut up)

Balloon soon heads off again, but to his room this time, saying he's getting ready for his and Nickel's hang out. Nicki immediately jumps onto Nickel.

"He's getting dressed up! You should take him to a restaurant- no, a... carnival? Actually... an arcade!" 

Nickel laughs at Nicki's persistence. "Balloon and I are just hanging around the show's parameters. That's all there is."

"Boo.. no fun! But for an actual date, take him to an arcade." Nicki responds.

"I'll make note of that." Nickel says. He realizes his mistake.

"SO YOU'RE GONNA-" He covers Nicki's mouth.

"Not too loud! And I'm not gonna confess soon." Nickel rolls his eyes.

Nicks, who was currently still playing their video game, perked up. "The show's parameters? I'd like to see that."

Nicki nods. "Me too!"

"Maybe one day I can show you around." Nickel smiles.

Balloon rummages through his drawer, looking for something to wear. Why was he dressing up? Probably to impress Nickel. The thought of Nickel's astonished face (when he makes it ;3) made him giggle a bit.

Hmm.... he didn't want to wear something too fancy. He just wanted something casual, like Nicki's headband. He found something on top of the window table. A blue origami flower. 

After coming back from that flower field a few days ago, he and Nickel decided to make origami flowers for each other, that way, they could remember that experience.

Balloon takes it and goes to the restroom, trying it on. He smiles. It's perfect. He does a little spin then giggles. Nickel will definitely be impressed. He runs back to his bed and writes a bit.

(hey... i'm gonna cut it off here)




(are you not gonna continue?)


Nickel's POV:


(hahahahaha- woah... language there buddy. keeping it family friendly here... not really)

Narrator looks mad.

(uh... it was supposed to be a joke. uhm. i'm sorry.)

Narrator sighs. Whatever. I'll forgive you.

(because you love me :3)

Shut up.

(you didn't deny it~ ANWWAYS BACK TO THE STORY)

I head up the stairs. I'm pretty excited to be hanging out with Balloon... maybe we'll learn more about each other! UGH I don't even know who I am anymore!! Balloon has really changed me... Oh and my cousins also.

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