Chapter 22: Speaking from the Heart

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Clover's POV:

Where is Clara taking me now? I mean, I did hope to see Balloon after Nickel left... so she's probably taking me to him. 

Clara swerves and dives under branches and logs, and I scramble to catch up to her. Luckily, I don't trip, I gracefully dodge it.

Is Balloon in the woods? If so, why? I hope he's-

Oh! What a pretty flower. I stop to admire it before Clara flies over and directs me back on the path. She dashes ahead, and I run towards her

"Clara, wait up! You're going too fast!" I exclaim.

Clara does a little spin before diving into some bushes. I groan.

Pushing the bushes away, I spot Balloon writing in his little notepad. Clara flies up to him, and Balloon looks up and reaches out her. The butterfly lands on his finger, and Balloon giggles softly.

I smile. Balloon's really sweet, but just a bit oblivious and insecure. I step out of bushes and hope that I look like that I was finding something.

"Clara?" I call before turning my gaze towards Balloon.

He looks surprised. "Clover? What are you doing here?" He asks.

Clara flies back to me. "Oh, hi Balloon! Sorry, Clara here flew away, so I went to go find her."

Balloon smiles. "Oh. Okay!"

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" I ask.

"Nope." Balloon responds. I smile and sit next to him.

"So... how are you doing?"

Balloon looks a bit hesitant, but answers. "I'm doing... okay. Not really the best."

"Hm." I hum. Nickel told me about the situation earlier, and I want to hear Balloon's perspective on this.

"What happened?" I ask innocently.

"Well..." Balloon starts. "Nickel and I... aren't on the best terms. An incident happened, and now things are awkward between us. I try to talk to him but he doesn't want to get near me, and I hate it. I just want us to be close again."

Balloon looks like he's on the verge of tears. I place my hand on top of his. (platonic peeps. only platonic :D)

"Maybe Nickel's scared that the incident could happen again. He doesn't want to be with you, he just fears that something will happen if he's with you." I say, hoping that I'm not revealing too much.

Balloon looks a bit hopeful, so I continue.

"You've got to do something, Balloon. If he's scared of being close, you've got to prove that being close will make things better. If you truly believe that what you're doing is right, then go for it." (not clover being a therapist to everyone)

His eyes shine. "That's a great idea, Clover. And you can help me!"

I laugh. "Me? What could I possibly do?"

Balloon taps his chin. "I'm not quite sure, but I know that you have to be a part of this."

I smile. My heart feels like it's going to explode out of happiness. Being a part of something is truly amazing and-

Clara nudges me. Right, I have to say something.

"I love being a part of things! You can count me in, Balloon!"

"Great!" Balloon closes his notepad and gets up. "Come on, Clover."

I get up and Clara flutters near me. "Where are we going again?"

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