Chapter 9: After the Explosion...

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Narrator POV: 

A loud explosion rings throughout the earth. What happened now. Oh. It's at Hotel OJ. What even happened? Let's find out!! (stop acting like a kid, you're gonna make me fire you) Fineeeee.

Smoke alarms ring, and fire engulfs the oven, spreading over the kitchen. Screams of panic can be heard nearby. Tea Kettle, Balloon, Nickel, Nicki, and Nicks all stand there, covered in pie filling with their jaws dropped all the way to the floor.

"What..." Tea Kettle exclaims, "HAPPENED?!" This has never happened to her. Sure, there are times when her pie doesn't turn out right, but it doesn't make the oven outright EXPLODE!!

Soap immediately comes rushing in with a fire extinguisher and sprays it at the oven. She looks happy to clean something. Soon, the fire is gone, and all that's left is a broken, charred oven with busted pies and burnt cookies. Soap comically grabs a bunch of cleaning supplies and starts working.

Tea Kettle is devastated, but now's not the time to feel sad about the ruined desserts. She has to ask what everyone put in their dessert, and then clean herself up.

"Alright," She takes a deep breath and turns to the other 4. "What was the oven preheated at?"

"500." Nickel and Nicks answer at the same time.

Everyone turns to look at them. "What?" Nickel asks, not getting the cue.

Tea Kettle tries her best to hold in her scream, and she starts boiling. She starts to whistle. Nicki looks as if she's about to set the whole hotel on fire.

"Why in the world, hun, would you THINK THAT'S NORMAL??" She says while Nicki exclaims, "YOU GUYS SHOULD HAVE WAITED UNTIL I GOT THE INSTRUCTIONS!!"

The two glance at each other, then shrug. 

"Sorry..." Nickel and Nicks apologize, though they don't really look sorry.

"I would say it's fine, but the oven just EXPLODED!!"

Okay Tea Kettle, breath in and out. Even if they weren't being smart and set the oven temperature too high, pies don't explode like that. So, even though they were being idiots, not all of it could have been their fault.

"Balloon?" Tea Kettle turns to him. Balloon squeaks, startled. He shrinks a little. "Did you put anything weird in your pie?"

"Um..." Balloon starts, nervously. He didn't want Tea Kettle to go full-rage mode. "I did put in some flowers..."

If Nickel had hands, he would have face-palmed himself. But, he knew that Balloon always got flour and flower confused.

Tea Kettle puts two fingers to her temple. "Okay. Odd. But that doesn't make pie explode."

Nicki glances over to where the bottle was. Uh oh. She gulped. Oh well, best to tell them instead of hide it. She's such a good person.

"Ohhhh.... um, guys?" Nicki climbs back on top of the counter and picks up the bottle that she thought held Tea Kettle's special sauce. The others turn to her.

"It might have been this." Nicki chuckles nervously, looking at everywhere except at the four.

She turns the bottle to where the logo is at. The others come over and read it.


Nicki blinks nervously as everyone turns to look at her.


"NICKI!!!" They all yell.

While Soap was busy cleaning up the table, the rest of them went to get cleaned up. It looked like there was a lack of communication between the five.

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