Chapter 23: Dealing with Cousins

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Narrator's POV:

Narrator drinks some Dr. Fizz while reading a book about enemies to lovers.

(uhhh... you're up)

Wha- you promised me a break!

(well... i needed you for this part)

Just like you need me.

(no. now get to work)


Anyways... We turn our focus to our main characters, who are currently trying to solve a problem between Nickel's cousins.

Nickel sighs. "Alright, what happened now?"

Nicki frowns. "Nicks won't talk to me." She turns to her brother. "Helloooo?"

Nicks scoffs and turns away from her. Balloon and Nickel share a concerned glance. Nickel knew how Nicks acts, he's pretty similar to him in some way. They both can hold a grudge for a long time (COUGH COUGH), and they are pretty grumpy. 

"What did you do?" Nickel says, immediately guessing that Nicki was the problem.

"Me?" Nicki gasps, offended. "I didn't do anything!" 

"Yes you did!" Nicks retorts. "You said something which NO ONE should say!"

"What did I say?" Nicki says, raising her voice. 

"Guys-" Balloon starts, but gets cut off.

"You said that CATS are better than DOGS." Nicks sharply says.


"THAT'S THE REASON?" Nickel screams, clearly used to this but irritated at the reason.

"Of course it's the reason!" Both of his cousins respond.

"Cats are clearly better than dogs!" Nicki says with authority.

"Dogs are better." Nicks retorts.

Balloon puts his fingers to his temples. "Alright guys... how did this even start?"

"Well..." Nicki starts.

Flashbacky woooo:

"Wanna play a game, Nicks?" Nicki asks as she enters their room.

"Uh... sure, why not." Nicks responds.

"Alright!" Nicki jumps onto the bed and Nicks scooches over.

Nicki comically grabs out a wheel spinner with different categories, and pulls out two whiteboards and markers. 

"So, we'll spin the wheel each time and what ever category it is, like say food for example, we'll write down the first thing that comes to our mind on our whiteboards. Since we're twins, we should practically think of the same things."

Nicks rolls his eyes. "That's the dumbest idea that I've ever heard."

"You've heard dumber." Nicki reminds him. "Anyways, I'll spin first."

"Why do you get to spin first?"

"Because I'm the better twin."




"Am. AND I'M SPINNING!" Nicki shouts and quickly spins the wheel. Nicks scoffs.

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