Chapter 15: Mended and New Friendships

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Nickel's POV:

I recoil when Suitcase yells out "What." She looks absolutely flabbergasted, her jaw comically dropping to the floor. It's like I told her that me and Balloon got married... which would be nice if it happened- NOPE LET'S NOT GO THERE. I don't want more people on our case.

"So you and Balloon ARE dating?" Suitcase asks.

"What? No! Where did you get them from?" I respond harshly, my cheeks heating up at the thought. 

Suitcase shrugs. "I don't know, to be honest. It's probably because you're acting pretty different than how you acted... in Season 2. You said Balloon was a part of that."

"Yeah..." I start. "We were roommates (oh my gosh they were roommates), and at first I tried to ignore him. Then in Season 3, I allied with him only for my safety, but then I realized how much I enjoyed being with Balloon, and I started to believe that he had actually changed, but still kept my walls up in case I was... wrong. Unfortunately, Balloon managed to break my walls down.

"I realized that what I did in the past was not fair. It... was hard for me to accept that I was in the wrong, but I managed to apologize to Balloon for my actions, and now we're friends."

"Wow." Suitcase says after listening. "Looks like you've been through a lot."

"Yeah," I chuckle. "But I've got a long way to go."

Ugh. When did I become all emotional? Hopefully my sarcastic personality hasn't faded away TOO much. It'll always be a part of me.

"We better go look for Balloon and Baseball." Suitcase says, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm... sure. It's not a bad idea."

Suitcase rolls her eyes playfully and we rush over in the direction the two went.

Unfortunately, we somehow bump into my cousins.

"Woah there!" Nicki exclaims as I bump into her.

I wobbily get back to my feet before rasing an eyebrow at Nicki.

"Nicki? Nicks? What are you two doing here?" I ask. Suitcase looks double-flabbergasted.

"We got bored shortly after you left and decided to look around!" Nicki says while Nicks looks around at his surroundings. 

I raise my eyebrows. "Very convienent for you to bump into us. Got something to explain?"

"Nope!" Nicki grins innocently. 

Suitcase still looks like she's seen three of me- two with different accessories. Oh wait. She is. It seems like she's trying to process what's going on.

Nicki looks past me and notices her. "So... Nickel. Who's this?"

Suitcase snaps out if her trance. "Hi. I'm Suitcase." She says in her soft but sorta deep voice (but fr her voice changed from a girl to a whatever type of voice she haz). She raises her foot.

Nicku raises her own foot to do a handshake. "Nice to meet ya! I'm Nicki, and the boring one here is Nicks."

Nicks rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything. We share a glance and he shrugs at me.

"So.. umm... How do you know them, Nickel?" Suitcase asks.

"Oh! Right. They're my cousins."

"He meant 'amazing cousins." Nicki retorts.

"Ha! As if! Amazing is a big overstatement." I smirk playfully.

But they truly are amazing cousins. I'll never admit it to their faces though.

Nickel and a Reunion [NICKLOON]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu