Chapter 7: Bedtime Snuggles

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Narrator POV:

(i only need you for this part so make it quick. 😃😃)

Sure thing, author.

Well, it's dark outside now, and around 1 a.m. Our main characters are in their rooms on their beds. Nickel is lying on top his, while Balloon is almost fully covered with blankets.

Nickel and Balloon's sleep schedules are very different. Nickel tends to fall asleep later and wake up earlier, while Balloon is the exact opposite.

Nickel tends to have dreamless sleeps, while Balloons are filled with dreams and nightmares.

Nickel's a restless sleeper, whereas Balloon stays in one spot throughout the night.

Balloon snores sometimes, while Nickel is as quiet as a mouse.

Balloon's asleep right now, while Nickel is awake and going through a crisis. A crisis about his not-crush. He thinks over about what Soap said earlier. Should he take her advice? Probably. Does he want to? No.

His thoughts drift back to Balloon. His pretty eyes... his cute laugh... his soft hands... his clumsiness... the way he holds him.

Nickel puts a pillow over his face to hide his growing blush. He's really fallen for him, hasn't he? He screams silently into his pillow as thoughts of Balloon still go on in his mind (imma draw this hehehehe). There is no chance he'll be falling asleep any time soon.

Balloon on the other hand, looks like he's peacefully sleeping, but that's not the case. In fact, he's having a nightmare right now and-

Balloon's POV: 

HEY WAIT YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH (underline means narrator is talking)

(your time was up :D. anyways, back to the story)

Dream sequence wooooo:

I don't know where I am.

There's darkness all around me, and I can't see anything.

"Hello?" I call out. No answer.

Well, I can't stay here and do nothing forever, so I start walking, not having a clue where I'm going. After a little while, I start to get tired.

Then I see a shape in the distance.

I run towards it, and stop when I realize it's Nickel, his back facing towards me.

"Nickel?" I ask. He doesn't move.

"Hey, are you okay?" I take a step towards him.

"Don't come any closer." Nickel says harshly.

I raise an eyebrow. Is Nickel okay? He doesn't usually talk to me this way. I mean, he used to, but... he's changed.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Why are you acting like we're friends?"

My heart feels like it's shattering into a million pieces. This can't be real. Nickel would never say this.

"W-What? But we are friends! We've changed!" I say, trying my hardest not to cry.

Nickel gives a dry laugh. "Us? Friends? Do you really think that?" He says coldly, still not facing me.

I remember sitting next to each other in the little area in the forest. Nickel leaning on me. Us laughing together. Cuddling. That's what friends do- maybe except for the cuddling part. Was it all a joke to him?

Nickel and a Reunion [NICKLOON]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu