Info (skip this if you don't wanna read about nickel's cousins)

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Sooo uhmmm yea... just some info bout Nicki and Nicks

Nicki: Impatient, Loud, Awkward, and Implusive are her main traits. She's also sassy and bossy, and fiesty. You can count on her to get things done and she's very loyal and surpportive. She's very expressive and will let you know how she feels. She's also the comedy relief, always knowing how to make people laugh. She has a hard time controlling her emotions, leading to her sometimes having outbursts or meltdowns. She's very persuasive and is a natural leader. She's very energetic, talkative and positive, making people like her or hate her. She's more noticable, usually making her the center of attention. She's also bisexual. Her appearance is the same as Nickel's, just with a pink headband with a bow on it. Top that with her knowledge of basically everything, and you get Nicki! (ta-da there's still more ill add in later chapters)

Nicks: The complete opposite of his twin sister. Quiet, Rude, Sarcastic, and Ignorant are his main traits. He doesn't like to show his emotions, but is loyal. He's known to have grudges, and is even more stubborn Nicki. He's the logical one out of the two, taking his time to think before he acts. He's not energetic like his sister, and has a hard time being fun. He's also grumpy and prefers doing things by himself (nicki has a ton of friends). He does have a softer side which he only reveals to Nicki, but even that's a rare occurence. He'll usually follow whatever Nicki's doing, but will also stand up for himself. He gets annoyed easily, and is not afraid to talk back or put a sarcastic comment out there. He's on the aromantic specrtum (might change that, but aroace Nicks seems cool to me).

Uhhh yeah that's it! bye

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