Chapter 8: ...A Drop of Chaos, and Mix!

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Nickel's POV:

I blink open my eyes. I'm facing the winow. That's odd. I start to wonder where I am. This isn't my bed. And who's arms are around me?


What happened last night plays in my head. I feel myself blushing. ME AND BALLOON SLEPT TOGETHER. UGHH THAT'S SO WEIRD (and gay hehehe)!! 

Maybe I can sneak out before he wakes up... I twist and turn, have having no arms makes it harder. UGHHH! Balloon pulls me in closer. THAT'S NOT HELPING!! I try to untangle my legs from his, but Balloon doesn't want to let me go at all. THIS IS NOT GOOD.

And he starts to stir... DOUBLE NOT- GOOD. Uhh... do somethime me!

Balloon's POV:

I yawn and rub my eyes. My hand is holding onto something... or someone.

I blush as I realize that Nickel is asleep on my chest (:3 he's not). How did we even get like this?

I remember him comforting me after that nightmare, then I... asked him to stay...

OH GOD WHAT DID YOU DO BALLOON? I cover my face with my hands to hide my blush.

I then realize that Nickel's still asleep. He has a nice peacful resting face. I reach my hand over and touch hid cheek. I smile.

Then, not really thinking, I lean down and give him a small kiss on top of his head.

It's not only until a few moments later I realize what I did. UGHHH HOW ARE YOU SO OBLIVIOUS, ME? Oh well. At least he was asleep. I climb off my bed and check my phone before going inside the bathroom.

*At Breakfast*

I scoop some cereal into my mouth while Nickel munches on some stale toast. Seriously? That's what he picked for breakfast? 

Nickel notices me giving him the side-eye.

"What?" He huffs.

"Sorry. It's just that fact that there's nothing on that. No butter, no jam, NOTHING!"

Nickel smirks. "And I like it that way. Do you have a problem with it?"

I shake my head. "You're weird."

"Not as weird as your voice."


Nickel laughs, and I join in too. The others look at us weirdly, but I don't care. I just like being with Nickel.

"HELLOOOO!" We hear someone uell behind us.

We turn around to see Nicki and Nicks. When did they get here? And why does Nicki have am evil look on her face?

"Oh, hi Nicki. Hi Nicks." Nickel greets while I wave.

"Guess what me and Nicks are gonna do!" She bounces excitedly.

Nickel amd I share a glance.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"We're gonna bake something today! To show how we appreciate them and to thank them."

"I'm such a kind person." Nicki dreamily sighs. Nicks rolls his eyes.

Nickel laughs again. "You two? Baking? Now that's something I can't imagine you guys doing again!

Again? "What happened the first time?" I ask.

"Nicki and I tried to bake a cake and Nicki ended up setting the house on fire." Nicks answers.

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