Chapter 25: Of Course Nickel Falls Down the Stairs in Every Story!

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Why hasn't the chapter started yet- ugh where are you, Author?


Hello? Author?

(what do you want narrator...)

Are- uhm- are you okay? You usually don't sound this unhappy.

(yeah... sorry. i just... feel like something is wrong- going to go wrong, and there's voice inside my head telling me things and it hurts to think- and listen- and-)

Woah, calm down there! You're starting to hyperventilate.

(im sorry)

Don't be. I don't like it when you're upset. Sad doesn't look good on you.  Would you... like to hang out and talk about it? O-Only if you want to, of course!

(that would be nice. thank you)

You're welcome. Remember, I'll always be here for you.

Nickel's POV:

I wake up pretty early as per usual, so I just scroll through my phone and listen to music while I wait for Balloon to wake up. Soon, I get bored, so I decided to go outside. I climb off my bed and accidently knock over Balloon's diary on my drawer. Why is it even there? 

I hear a rustling sound and see Balloon sitting up from his bed. 

"Mornin', Nickel." He says sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, Balloon." I smile at him. God, when did I get so soft?

"Where are you going?" He asks and climbs off his bed.

"Oh, I was just going outside. Wanna come?" I ask. It would be nice to have Balloon's company.

"Sure!" He responds happily and we walk out together.

We sit together on the grass outside, chatting about random things. It's nice that we're back to how we were before the incident. And maybe we could be more... UGH if only I had the courage to confess. Does he know that I like him? I'm not even sure if he likes me. Nicki has  been telling me that Balloon likes me, and reminding me to confess every day, and it's getting pretty annoying.

"Uhh... earth to Nickel?" Balloon waves his hand in front of my face.

I blink. "What? Oh, I must have zoned out there."

Balloon raises an eyebrow. "What were you thinking about?"

"NOTHING IMPORTANT!!" I quickly respond as my face heats up.

Balloon makes a cute smug face which makes me blush harder. He then fishes out his phone.

"Wanna take a picture with me?" Balloon asks.

I shrug. "Sure, why not?"

I scoot closer to him and we take a quick picture. Balloon beams at it. AGH HE'S SO ADORABLE. I look over at it.

"It's not too bad." I say and Balloon giggles.

"I know you think the picture is nice."

I roll my eyes. A butterfly flies by and lands on me. I look up at it and raise my eyebrows. Why is there a butterfly, and why did it land on me specifically? Hmmmm.... Balloon quickly snaps another picture as I think.

"Here," Balloon gently nudges the butterfly away. "There you go-"

He suddenly fumbles and falls on top of me, his hands placed on the grass near my sides. I blush and look up at him. BALLOON IS LITERALLY PINNING ME! We don't move. Instead, we look deeply into each others eyes, our hearts beating in unison. I really want to kiss him right now...

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