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And once again Kyle found himself in this long, empty corridor. Once again, the many doors in front of him were closed and he even thought he was sitting in the exact same chair he had been in six weeks ago.

Only this time he wasn't nervous. His leg wasn't bouncing in a fast rhythm and he hadn't looked at his paper once in the hope that he would get the last signature he needed just like that.

He quietly leant his head against the wall, his eyes closed and listened. Muffled voices filled his ears, nervous, anxious, sometimes desperate. He could still remember how he had felt six weeks ago. Just as desperate and angry that he had been denied his job.

Now he couldn't help but be grateful for it, because without this leave of absence, he wouldn't have spent a single day with you. He might never have crossed your path by chance, you wouldn't have talked, he would never have met the children. Kimmy wouldn't be in hospital in withdrawal now.

He didn't even want to think about the much worse possibilities. Yawning, he opened his eyes a crack and stretched. At that moment, the door opened and Soap left the room. Kyle raised an eyebrow expectantly. The Scotsman waved a piece of paper under his nose.

"Back to business, baby.", he whispered, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can hardly wait."

Kyle got up from his chair.

"Will you be seeing Simon again?", he asked.

Soap snorted.

"You think he hasn't visited me for the whole six weeks?"

"Would you rather I ask how many weeks of the six he hasn't been with you?"

The two of them laughed. But then the expression in the man's blue eyes became more serious again. He glanced briefly over his shoulder and exchanged a few quiet words with the psychologist.

She nodded, smiled at Kyle and then closed the door to give them some privacy in the corridor. Soap's eyes fell on Kyle.

"You look like you, mate.", he patted him on the shoulder. "Fatherhood suits you."

Tired, Kyle snorted and rubbed his eyes.

"I've never slept as little as I have since I moved in with (Y/N).", he admitted.

"How are the boys?"

Kyle swallowed hard.

"Better. Not as good, but better. We're working on it."

Nodding, the Scot took a step back from the door and indicated that his mate should make the attempt.

"The captain's here today too.", he said, already a few steps away from him. "Come round when you've got your result. He'll want to know."

"Sure.", without hesitation, Kyle placed a hand on the door handle and stepped inside.

He didn't hesitate, didn't feel any excitement or remorse. He knew what he wanted. And he was prepared to make sacrifices, to give things up.

An hour later, Kyle found himself outside his captain's office, note in hand. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and waited briefly.

Silence answered him after he knocked. He waited. His grip on the note tightened, the paper crumpled slightly between his fingertips.

For the first time in days, his tension rose. He had had the appointment for ages, had prepared for everything, had worked to make sure that everything would be as he imagined it. But in that second, for the very first time, doubts arose in him.

Had he made the right decision? He knew what he wanted. But it felt so hard to leave everything behind. His hand rose again to knock. This time, a rough voice answered on the other side of the door.

"It's open.", Captain John Price raised his eyes briefly as Kyle entered his office.

With a cheeky grin, the mentor greeted his student, pointed to an empty chair and returned to his paperwork.

"Captain.", Kyle nodded in greeting.

"Long time no see, Gaz.", the Captain leaned back in his chair, stretching his legs.

Unlike in the field, he wore the casual uniform of the UK Army, black boots and his fisherman's hat. He scratched his brown beard thoughtfully and eyed his soldier.

"No good news?", he asked with raised eyebrows.

Kyle looked at the note in his hands, hesitated briefly, but then placed it on the table. Price bent over them scrutinisingly.

"All the necessary signatures.", he realised. "That's good. Welcome back to service, soldier."

With that, he returned to his other work. But when Kyle made no move to leave, the captain looked up again, one eyebrow raised in a silent question.

For a moment, Kyle looked at the office around him. His eyes closed and he took a deep breath.

"I need to ask for something.", he finally said, and when his eyes opened again, there wasn't a single doubt in the brown.

Puzzled, Price frowned, but sat down so that his full attention was on his soldier.

"Ask away.", he prompted him with a sympathetic gesture.

"I must ask to be honourably discharged.", the words slipped from Kyle's lips like oil, he didn't hesitate for a second, he didn't want to change his mind.

He wanted this. Surprise flitted across Price's face, his eyebrows raised before he frowned. He seemed to think briefly about what he should say.

"Why?", he finally just asked.

Kyle swallowed.

"The last few weeks had been eventful.", he admitted, without giving too much away. "Things moved quickly, but... I'd say I have a family now."

The captain looked at him sceptically.

"You know something like that doesn't happen that quickly... right?", he leant forward, concerned.

But all he got for his concern was an amused snort. Shaking his head, his soldier took a deep breath.

"It's not quite like that. But I have met someone."

Understanding, Price hummed and crossed his arms in front of his chest.


"Thanks. What I'm saying is, that someone is very dear to me since childhood. And...", a smile grew on Kyle's lips. "His kids are lovely. I want to be there for him. Them. And I can't, with my current profession. (Y/N) deserves a man who could be a reliable husband. And the boys deserve two present parents. So please. Discharge me with your grace."

Thinking, Price lowered his gaze. His nose curled as he sucked in a sharp breath.

"You grew up.", he noted soberly. "I'm proud of you. Go live a happy life."

"Thank you, captain."

John Price smiled, widely, honest. Proud. Like a dad would smile at his son for finally being a man.

"Goodbye, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. You've served your country well. And I'm sure you'll severe your family even better.", he bowed his head in respect.

Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now