A Golden Date

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Sarang smoothed her dress as she knocked on Jungkook's door. Not even a second later the door was yanked open and there stood a beaming Jungkook.

"Yah were you standing right by the door? How did you open it so fast?" Sarang asked with a smile as she was ushered in by Jungkook.

"I missed you a lot." Jungkook replied instead as he closed the door behind them and drew Sarang closer to him.

"Did you now?" Sarang asked with a small smirk as she placed her bag down and slowly circled her arms around Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook leaned down and bit her lip lightly before planting a soft kiss. "Immensely."

Sarang let out a small giggle before extracting herself from Jungkook's embrace much to his displeasure.

"We won't get any work done like this." Sarang commented as she looked at Jungkook with a small smile before frowning a bit. "Yah why are you wearing a three-piece suit right now?"

"Because we're on a date?" He offered with a confused look.

"A date where we're going to paint your room." Sarang responded with a bewildered look before looking down at her overalls. They were cute and practical for the planned activity. But now she felt underdressed.

"It's important to look good for my lady. What do you say, don't I look rather charming in this outfit?" Jungkook said as he started to flex his suit and pushed his hair back sassily making Sarang laugh.

"So you're not going to change?"


"If you don't change it now, you can't change it later even if it gets uncomfortable." Sarang said playfully. She knew he'd barely last twenty before he'd start complaining about how hot and uncomfortable the suit was making him.

"Don't worry love, this isn't my first rodeo." Jungkook smirked as he bent down to plant a kiss on Sarang's cheek making her blush.

"You're spending too much time with Taehyung oppa. His love for suits is rubbing in on you as well." Sarang joked making Jungkook chuckle.

"That hyung will wear a suit to a pool party if he can." Jungkook joked along.

Forty minutes later the two best friends found themselves in Jungkook's bedroom. They had already moved most of the furniture out of the way and covered everything immovable. Sarang sneaked a glace at Jungkook and her mouth ran dry.

He had discarded his suit jacket and folded the sleeves of the shirt up to his elbows exposing his veiny arms and beautiful tattoos. His once neatly styled hair was now messy and fell in loose waves. He looked so hot in that moment that Sarang felt it immensely hard to keep her focus on the task in hand.

"... and I thought this would work better here as compared to that corner. Makes it look more homely- Sarang-ah are you listening?" Jungkook's sudden question brought her out of her musings. She cleared her throat before muttering a wobbly "of course!"

Although Jungkook looked unconvinced, he didn't push the matter and instead went back on explaining where he should put the lamps. Sarang for her part, kept nodding along to everything Jungkook said as she abandoned her work all together to admire how attractive her boyfriend looked in that moment.

After an hour of painting where Jungkook did most of the work while Sarang kept stealing glances or at one point started openly admiring Jungkook, the two decided to take a break.

"Sarang-ah~" Jungkook said in a sing-song way as he flopped into the couch Sarang was relaxing in, startling her a bit.

"Are you not tired yet?" Sarang asked as she massaged her sore shoulders. Although she works out quite often, moving the furniture around and painting the wall was pretty tiring. Jungkook on the other hand looked like he had just discovered a new skill.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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