Revenge of the Triceratons

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I don't own this picture! 


We were watching TV and Casey was laying his head on my lap as Phoenix and Katsuya laid on Casey's chest. 

"So, like, how long does it take to get to the other side of the cosmos?" Casey asked. 

"You mean to the pizza ZZ3 Plural X Beta system?" Mikey asked.  

"I can't believe you remember that, Mikey." Raph stated.

"What do you Pizza, pizza, pizza mean? I have an awesome memory, bro." Mikey stated. 

"At least it'll be the last piece of the Black Hole Generator." I stated. 

"Gonna take a while to get there. Plenty of time for 'Chris Bradford and his 2 Ruff Crew'!" Mikey stated. 

We started watching the show and then everyone started laughing. 

"He's the lamest ever!" Leo exclaimed. 

Then an alarm goes off. Everyone got to the bridge and saw the Triceraton ships, surrounding the Ulxies.

"Guys, the Triceratons tracked us down!" April stated as Mozar appears on the screen.  

"Attention Starship Ulxies! This is Captain Mozar of the Triceraton Empire." Mozar stated. 

"Captain? Didn't this jerk used to be an Admiral?" Raph asked. 

"Heh, I bet the jerk got demoted 'cause of us!" Casey stated. 

"Case, I love you, but, shut up." I stated. 

"IDIOTS! I can hear everything you say! You are surrounded. Hand over the pieces of the Black Hole Device to me. Or we will blow you out of the cosmos!" Mozar stated. 

"You'll do that anyway." I stated. 

"You have my word as a Triceraton that I will allow you a three nexton head start. And then we will chase you down and blow you away." Mozar stated. 

"Real generous, Horn Head." Raph stated, sarcastically. 

"You'll have to come over and get it yourself, Mozar." I stated. 

"Very well, then. Prepare to be boarded. Teleport an attack squad aboard that ship!" Mozar stated. 

The fleet activate and started to go after our ship.

"We don't have the firepower to take those guys. Move! Go, go, go!" Leo stated as the ship flies off. 

"We can't outrun their entire fleet, Leo!" I stated. 

"Maybe with our upgraded thrusters-" Donnie said. 

"Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Floor it, Fuge!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"No matter what, we must keep heading towards the Plural X Beta System. We can't afford to let the Triceratons beat us there!" Professor stated. 

"Keep focused. We can do this!" Leo stated. 

"Almost ready for Tachyon Jump. They won't be able to track us again because we're awesome!" Professor stated. 

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" Donnie and I exclaimed in unison as the ship was suddenly hit. 

"No! No! Warp Engine 2 is out!" Professor stated.

Missiles began to launch.

"Incoming!" I shouted but we dodged. 

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