The Power Inside Her

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I don't own this picture! 


It started out as a rainy night, in the lair, Donnie is preparing to examine April in regards to her recent increase in her psychic powers as Leo and I watch.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Donnie?" Leo asked. 

"Um, yeah. Last time you hooked me up to this thing, it made me blind and mentally connected to a giant fish-bird-worm thing." April stated. 

"Don't worry. I've upgraded it since then. It's perfectly safe I promise. Your psychic powers have been expanding rapidly since you were given that Aeon crystal. It's imperative I test its limits. For your own sake." Donnie stated. 

"I have it under control. Besides, if it weren't for my powers, we never would have gotten away from Shredder. You saw what I did to that mutated freak." April stated. 

"That's what worries us, April. We don't know exactly what it can do or how much power is actually in it." I stated. 

"I just need to examine your crystal." Donnie said. 

"No! I'm not taking it off. Don't even ask again, Donnie. It's safe, as long as I have it." April said, getting defensive. 

"Hmm. If I can replicate how this crystal increases your powers, that could provide a frame of reference." Donnie stated. 

"Increase her powers?" Leo and I asked in unison, a little worried. 

"Don't worry. Only slightly. By maybe .3%? April, let me know if you feel anything. Okay? Tingling, headache." Donnie said. 

"I told you, I'm fine. Just leave the crystal- Ahh!" April screamed. 

She yells crazily as her powers start lifting things up to the air!

"I knew this was a bad idea." Leo and I said in unison as the lab explodes. 

Raph and Mikey enter the lab and are shocked.

"What are you guys- Huh? Oh, no. April!" Raph said. 

"Whoa! Are you guys having another super-smash dance party without me?" Mikey asked. 

"She's out, but she seems okay." I stated as Donnie takes the crystal off.

"We've got to get this away from her. Huh? Oh! The crystal!" Donnie exclaimed. 

The crystal started to move but Raph catches it.

"I got it." Raph stated as he pinned it with a nail.

"That should hold it, for now." I stated. 

"What happened in here? April?" Otōsan asked. 

"It's that alien crystal. It's been messing with her head." Leo stated. 

"That crystal has a strong hold on both her mind and spirit. It has become too dangerous." Otōsan stated, worried. 

"Sensei's right. I need to break its connection with her. Somehow." Donnie stated. 

"I will tend to her in the dojo. Perhaps the mantras will help." Otōsan stated. 

"I got her, Otōsan." I stated as I carried April to the dojo. 

Later in the dojo, I get a panicked call from Casey. 

"Case, what's going on?" I asked as I picked. 

"Shredder's goons are getting mutagen from an old Kraang lab!" Casey exclaimed. 

"Mutagen?! Okay, sit tight. We're on our way. And don't do anything stupid like try to take them on all by yourself again." I stated. 

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