Chapter 55: Back in the present and Revelation

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3rd Pov

A stream of tears befalling Dawn's eyes...he felt as if he had woken up after a very long dream...the pain he was feeling at the moment was impossible to explain.

Because, Origin Averion was cold natured...he often buried his feelings and never let them affect him...but Dawn was different.

He was born with emotion and was more human than Origin could ever be...thus, over centuries and centuries worth of pain was assaulting him at the same time.

Dawn : Seriously...I'm really pathetic...

Trying his best to stop his tears, he slowly got up...his body condition had changed greatly.

In fact, he felt almost foreign to his own body now...the awakening of a third egg that belonged to Origin Averion had changed his body structure totally.

Dawn : How much time has passed ?

Clenching his fist, he played with his body for a moment trying to get a hold of it...he couldn't quite describe it but right now...

The world itself seemed to be moving along him, when he was a True hero with 2 awakened eggs, space seemed to bend on it's path so he could move.

But now, it's as if he was blending into the world itself...his perception too changed, the magicule and energy in the air seemed to be acting neutral toward him now.

He was neither absorbing or rejecting them, they just moved around as if Dawn was part of the decor.

Dawn : This condition...ah, i i naturally became a digital lifeform...

Trying to confirm his suspicion, Dawn looked to his right...on the other side of the room, he thought for an instant.

And the moment after, he had moved without any delay...he couldn't understand what he had just done, his body seemed to treat the information particle as if it was second nature for him.

Dawn : Is this a gift from Velda ? Or is it just a natural effect from awakening the third egg ?

Both could be correct, in reality the Hero egg Veldanava had given Origin...was different from the hero egg every hero has.

That Hero egg was the very first version, to put it with a blunt word...over time, Veldanava decided to nerf the hero egg as its prowess far surpassed the demon lord seed.

Origin might be the sole being to have awakened that beta hero egg...

Dawn : I can feel it...everything around me feels so close.

Smiling sadly, this was the reward for all the suffering and sacrifice he had made...

Snowie : Master !

Dusk : You already woke up ?

Suddenly appearing out of thin air, Snowie, followed by Dusk, quickly floated toward their master and hugged him.
While the last individual, Exalia appeared quietly and smiled in satisfaction.

Exalia : It seems it was a success, I greet my lord.

Bowing on one knee, Dawn remembered all the adventures he had with Exalia...well, the current Exalia wasn't exactly the one he knew.

Dawn :, Snowie do you remember anything now ?

Snowie : M-master...i-

Separating herself from Dawn, Snowie stuttered a little...since her whole being was connected to Dawn, she had recovered her memories the moment her master came back.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now