Day 1: Holding Hands

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A/N: And I've started my 30 Day OTP challenge :D. I'll try to keep up with this and not be late on some days, but it might happen. I don't know, I have 29 days left. Also, you can throw your headcanons on Cecil, the only ones I really have that are mentioned in the story are that his tentacles are tattoos and he has a third eye and blushes purple because why not. He, to me, looks like how he looks in the cover picture but you can imagine him in any way.

\(._.)/ Let's start this \(._.)/

You look over at Cecil shyly, who giggles softly at you. You've only been dating for about two weeks now and you still weren't done admiring how attractive he really was. He had the brightest smile you had ever seen and no one's ever made you feel as good about yourself as he did. He was absolutely beautiful from head to toe, tentacles included, and you would never think you were as perfect and beautiful as he constantly told you that you were compared to him. He was still all shy and sweet towards you like how he was before you were together and you thought it was adorable.

"Carlos?" You snap out of your thoughts to look at him and he was smiling at you, that wonderful smile of his, and poking your arm. You chuckle softly at him and he beams before smiling shyly. "Can we, uhm..." He trails off and you watch him curiously.

"'Can we' what?" You watch as he flushes purple (You always wanted to investigate that and wondered if he would allow you to), and squirms slightly next to you. You stop walking and watch him as he shyly reaches for your hand. "Can we hold hands?" He asks sheepishly and you smile softly at him. "Of course."

You hold his hand, interlacing your fingers with his and he beams happily, the tattoos on his arm moving slightly from how happy he is. He giggles and continues walking back to your lab with you, he couldn't park directly of it because the spaces were all taken with huge black masses of the unknown, but you didn't mind walking a few blocks. He swings your arms and hums happily, making you laugh softly at him. You frown a little as you approach your lab, wanting to be with your Cecil a little longer and hold his hand.

"Cecil?" You look at him, holding his hand tighter, "would you like to come in and sit with me until I'm done? We can go to one of our own houses afterwards." Cecil nods happily and smiles widely. "Of course I would, Carlos!"

You lead him inside and sit him down before sitting with him. You start to work, being the only one there because it was late, and the entire time he was holding your hand and playing with your hair, giggling softly and entertaining himself. You didn't mind, finding it cute when he starts talking to himself about your hair. You smile at him and kiss his cheek before continuing to work, laughing at the way he squeals and flushes an extremely deep purple.

:3 The end :3

A/N: This isn't as long as I thought it would be, but it's cute, I guess. It's cute to me, but I dunno. Is it cute enough? Hopefully you guys like it. Bye for now. - Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now