Day 12: Making Out

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"KK," You pull Karkat over to you, sitting him on your lap, "we thhould kithth." 

He looks at you, a little curious, before leaning down and kissing you softly. He doesn't see the grin on your face before he kisses you. You kiss him back happily, purring softly and holding him close. He relaxes into your hold, letting you hold the kiss for as long as you want. You deepen the kiss, holding his hips and smirking when he whines into your mouth. 

You nip at his lips lightly, wanting them open and he happily obliges. You slide your tongues over his teeth, groaning a little when you actually get cut with one of them and full on moaning when he decides to lick the blood off of with his own tongue. 

No one told him it was okay for him to get all randomly sexy. But, you soon stop caring when he takes over the kiss entirely. 

Karkat presses himself against you, causing him to grind over your bulges, and oh my gog, he's playing with both of your tongues. He sucks on both of your tongues at once and you feel your eyes roll back a little when he continues to move over your bulges. 

He digs his tongues into the spot where your tongue splits and you see stars and sparks. Then, he's stroking your larger horns and holy shit, he's going to make you die a slow, aroused death. You moan happily, completing forgetting about your want for dominance with this kiss. He pulls back a little, grinning at how flushed you look, and it actually makes you blush even more. 

"What the hell wath that?" 

"Shut the fuck up and fuck me." The way he growls that to you makes your brain melt and shiver and you pick him, laying on the floor with him. The smirk he has on his face is making every train of thought for revenge because of that kiss come to an abrupt halt.

Oh, well. 

At least you both got what you wanted. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Dominant KK is the best KK - Sollux the Writer 

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