Day 19: In Formal Wear

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A/N: Ah, fancy Cecilos! :o

~~~ Starting point ~~~

"Come help me with this tie please," you look at Cecil, who walks over to you. 

"You really need to learn how to tie ties already, Carlos." 

"I'll forget anyway. I don't wear them and besides I have you." You smile and kiss his cheek and he beams after previously pouting. You finish getting dressed after fixing his hair for him and so does he. 

"Where are we going again?" You look at him and he huffs a little. 

"Steve's having a get-together at a fancy restaurant and since Dana's going, she wanted me to be with her and I need you there." Cecil's eyes narrow as he speaks and he was glaring daggers at his jacket, which was on the bed in front of him. You give him a questioning look before continuing to get dressed. 

"Be nice to Steve." You say a little sternly and he sighs softly. 

"I'm going to be as nice I find fit." 

"Which isn't nice at all." 

"He hasn't been sacrificed to the Horrors. I think that's nice enough." Cecil says sharply and you shrug. It's true and from what you heard, the Horrors are heard to be very terrifying creatures. Neither you or Cecil have heard from anyone who's ever claimed to have been captured by them. 

Cecil walks with you out of the house and to his car and you both get in. Cecil parks in front of a new restaurant that you've never heard of, but Cecil says it's been there for quite a while. You both get out and walk over to where Steve and Dana were waiting for you. You wrap an arm around Cecil's waist when he visibly stiffens and you stroke his side softly, leading him over to them both.

"Hi!" Dana greets you both happily and Steve gives you a simple nod. Cecil gives them both a cheery greeting, but has the most fake smile you've ever seen on him. Neither one of them seemed to notice or care though. 

The four of you walk into the restaurant and go to your reserved table. You hum as Cecil sits in your lap instead of in a seat, wrapping your arms around his waist. He looks through the menu with him, not minding the fact that you were gently swaying left and right with him. A waiter comes by and takes your orders and you pet him, smiling a little when you don't hear the usual anger in his voice when he was in the company of Steve. 

Your plan to calm him down was going smoothly. 

The four of you were eating and Steve suddenly speaks up. "Cecil?" 

"What." Cecil asks, a little aggressively, but it was alright. He wasn't as mean as he could have been and Steve doesn't even flinch, which worries you a little, but you continue eating and occasionally picking off of Cecil's own plate. 

"Janice wanted to know if you could come over tomorrow, after work or before, it doesn't matter." Steve shrugs a little and Cecil's face lights up. 

"I would love to!" Cecil beams and you smile. Not even Steve could ruin his mood when someone mentions Janice. Steve nods and continues eating and Cecil does also with Dana happily watching them both. 

You order dessert and you continuously eat at Cecil's ice cream which was all chocolate with chocolate chips in it. You didn't like chocolate that much, but this ice cream was amazing. He ate less than half of it before just giving it to you. You gave him half of your cake in return, which he was eating happily. 

After everything was over, you say your goodbyes and you drive home instead of Cecil. You get home and he goes upstairs and immediately flops down onto the bed with a huge sigh. You massage his shoulders lightly, helping him undress. 

Cecil sighs as you pull the covers over him, "Faking niceness is so hard.

"I know," you chuckle and start to undress yourself before laying in bed with him. You were so ready to go to bed and just appreciate the fact that you actually managed to not have Cecil almost get into a fight with Steve for once. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: This is probably rushed and weird and I'm sorry. I'm super flipping tired because I was at a con all day and I was determined to never miss a day again, but it's just like I really need to just chill. - Sollux the Writer 

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now