Day 9: Hanging Out With Friends

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A/N: I didn't have any internet yesterday, so this is late >_> Also, my headcanon Earl is the picture, but picture him anyway you want. Dana doesn't really have an appearance so yea, same with her, imagine her how you want.

~~~ Starting point ~~~

"Heeey, Cecil, Carlos." Earl greets you both with beaming smile and Cecil returns the smile. You smile softly and happily, waving to him while Cecil full on hugs him. They hug for a while and Cecil makes a pleased little noise, nuzzling Earl's shoulder. 

"Where's Dana?" Earl looks around for her.

"Dana's gonna be late," Cecil shrugs, "she had some mayoral things to do." 

Both you and Earl nod and you sit down on the bench nearby, seeing as Cecil was insistent on waiting on her instead of letting her meet you all at the restaurant. When Dana gets there, she hugs both you and Cecil both. Once the hug was over, Dana holds onto your arm with a happy little smile. She waves to Earl, who waves back with a shy smile. 

"He doesn't know me well." Dana giggles softly to you and you nod, smiling softly. You honestly didn't either. She didn't seem to realize that though. You thought she was a generally nice person, from all the stories Cecil's told you, and from meeting her one other time when she came over for dinner. 

Dana drags you behind Cecil and Earl, who was talking with each other and walking towards the restaurant. She was watching them talk, beaming a little. You look at her curiously, wondering why she looked so happy. 

"They're cute! Not cuter than you and Cecil, but they're cute." Dana smiles at you and you couldn't resist the urge to smile back at her for some reason. "I want to thank you for what you're doing with Cecil." 


"Cecil always used to look so lonely before you got here! He had friends, but he wanted something more than friends. He couldn't go back to Earl because things were awkward with them. But then you came and everything was actually okay." Dana smiles at you happily. 

You smile. "I'm glad I could help him then." 

You blush deeply when Cecil comes up suddenly and hugs you. You hug him back and he nuzzles your cheek. "She's right." 

"I see." You chuckle as various tentacles come out to lovingly pet you. "I'm glad I could make you happy." 

The rest of the evening was spent eating dinner before all four of you decide to go see bad movies and laugh at the terribleness of the movie and it was nice. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: THAT ENDING WAS TERRIBLE >_> Omz. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to write. I tried. - Sollux the Writer 

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