Day 30: Doing Something Hot

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A/N: It's nothing too, too hot. Just them doing stuff. Also, this could maybe be a part of my armystuck thing I may write eventually.

~~~ Starting point ~~~

You hum happily as the hot water runs over your back and your shoulders, making you purr. It felt you haven't taken a shower in ages and you needed this so very badly. Training was hard and tiring and all you wanted to do was sleep.

You jump when you feel someone join you. You hear the soft purring of your matesprit and you relax, letting him run a hand over your stomach. You relax even more with a happy purr, leaning on him. He was shorter than you, but he could still support you. You hum happily, smiling, and letting him wash you. You relax and melt a little as his body heat warms you even more than the water does and you look at him when he washes himself, blushing a little.

His hair was flat and dripping, which was hot enough, but the water was running over his perfect abs. Thank Jegus for threshacutioners. He shakes his hair out and you whine a little.

"Mmhn~," Karkat purrs, still not noticing you staring, and he runs his hand through his hair, shaking it out again. You get splashed with flecks of water, but you can't even bring yourself to care. He was too hot and distracting for you to care. You look down at yourself, you weren't as fit as he was, Condesce deeming it a bit unnecessary because you were a distance fighter. He rolls his hips a little, biting his lip, and you almost moan.


Karkat was a tease and damn it, you don't like this. Him unknowingly teasing you makes you want to just throw yourself on him like you didn't have self control. But, holy shit, you do. Exert it, Sollux Captor, exert it.

You whine a little and you don't even notice him looking at you and you definitely don't notice that he chuckles. He hums and pulls you over to him, easily moving you to how he wants you to be. He pushes you up against the wall and leans up to kiss you deeply. You kiss him back just as deeply, your legs immediately going to wrap around his waist. He supports you and you allow him, mewling happily.

"KK...oh, fuck, KK~."

Afterwards, you both wash yourself off again because you were covered in genetic material. You buzz happily, satisfied after getting what you wanted. You lay on the bed and relax after he puts you there and you fall asleep, watching him shuffle around for some clothes to put on.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: And that was my 30 day OTP challenge, I like this so much. I feel like the Solkat was better than the Cecilos, it was, and for that I'm a little sorry. And, in this one, you have a little proof that they...yeah ._. Also, notalwaysatop!Sollux is the best Sollux.- Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now