Day 3: Gaming/Watching A Movie

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A/N: And once again, here's another day :D I feel like I'm doing good so far with not missing any days, even tho it's only been three days. 

<(._.)> Starting whale <(._.)> 

You look over at Cecil once again, who was excitedly wiggling because you were having your first movie night together. You were watching his favourite movie, Cat Ballou, which he's seen thousands of times, but had to watch again because he loved it so much. You jump as the popcorn starts popping and he giggles softly at you. 

"Are you okay?" He smiles and you smile back at him. "I'm fine." You say and he nods, his tentacles writhing and hugging him. The popcorn finishes and you put it into a large bowl before sitting with him. He leans on you and makes a happy little noise as you nuzzle his soft hair. The movie starts and you sigh softly, relaxing with him. 

Cecil giggles and laughs at some parts of the movie, but you barely noticed the funny parts, paying more attention to Cecil himself. He looked so pretty right now, the only light touching him being the TV, displaying his bright purple eyes, his long eyelashes, and his soft hair looked illuminated. You reach out with the hand that wasn't wrapped around his shoulders to pet his hair. His tentacles wiggle happily and he makes a noise close to purring, his third eye blinking. He curls up next to you, looking at you with a small noise of appreciation. You continue to stroke his hair and he cuddles up against you more, his hand covering yours. 

"Carlos, you're very cuddly." Cecil smiles and lays his head on your shoulder. 

"And you're beautiful, my dear." You smile at the way he grins and blushes. 

He hugs you and you smile, hugging him back. You spend the rest of your movie night together cuddling until he decides to throw popcorn at you with a mischievous little smirk, showing that he wants to play. You throw popcorn back at him and he giggles, grabbing a handful before hiding behind the couch and throwing more popcorn at you, to which you either caught and threw back or caught and ate. 

<(._.)> Ending whale <(._.)> 

A/N: Ack, more of my Cecil headcanons are showing, but I could't help it. I adore bright ass purple eyes on Cecil. I don't even know how this ended up becoming a mini food fight from them cuddling on the couch either. It's cute, but how did this even happen. Hopefully no one minds it, ehehe :3 And this day isn't even close to 500 words, excluding this author note, but I feel like it's really cute tho. Bye for now. - Sollux the Writer 

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now